Chapter 21

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All Characters and locations borrowed from Stephen King's "It" remain his property. I own only the characters I've created.

Helpful Notes:
"Speaking Aloud"
'Speaking Telepathically'
Subconscious Thoughts, not heard by others.

A/N: This story involves VERY mature and sometimes disturbing situations. If you have any triggers I suggest perhaps trying another story.

*~..Lamia Amorist..~*

..Chapter 21..

As Lucifer and Nera continued on their way, Nera fell into deep thought, replaying memories from her life in an effort to hold on to her true self. Though she walked hand in hand with the Devil himself, her mind couldn't have been further. She remembered the moment she first awoke in Heaven. It was her very first memory.

When she'd awoken, she could remember nothing, knew nothing. She could see only a white shimmering light all around her. It was warm, and she'd felt as if she were enveloped in love, peace, and acceptance.

She wasn't a physical being, but rather a presence, an energy. She could feel her surroundings grow warmer though, and as they did, she became aware of other sensations, like hair tickling shoulders, fingers resting lazily against outer thighs, and toes gently bumping into something below.

It took her a moment to realize she was now a body, and she felt the distinct urge to move forward. As she did, her foot bumped gently into a step, and then as she moved forward again, another step.

It was like she was floating in some sort of breathable fluid. Slowly she continued up these steps and realized as her head broke the surface, that she was in a milky white shimmering pool.

Once her head fully met air, she ran her hands backward through her long light blonde hair and wiped her eyes, then looked around and found herself in a magical-looking cave, the stone walls a pearlescent white and iridescent crystals jutting wildly from the floors and walls in shades of pink, purple, and blue.

As she slowly stepped nude out of the pool, she felt a warm hand on her shoulder but she was unable to turn around. She felt a tickling along her neck as someone leaned in. Soft warm lips trailed softly across her ear. A gentle murmur followed. "I am always with you, Nera."

Before she turn around to address him, the presence was gone, but instinct told her exactly who it was. Suddenly a beautiful blonde Angel walked into the room and froze in surprise. She didn't look pleased at all to see Nera.

"This can't be..." the Angel muttered in disbelief, then she turned and fled from the room.

Nera was confused as to the Angel's reaction. She uncomfortably hugged her own chest as she was quickly surrounded by the Archangels and several Angels. They weren't speaking to her at all, but among each other.

There seemed to be confusion as to why she was there. No one had been expecting her. Most of them seemed to not want her there at all, and one of them whom she would come to know as Uriel, looked upon her strangely, his dark green eyes almost lewdly traveling her form up and down despite his obvious discontent at her very existence.

Then came the whispers of it being a dishonor to 'recycle' the energy of a heroic fallen Warrior. Apparently whomever she'd been in her previous Angelic life had been well-respected. They wanted her put to rest and remembered as she was, not brought back and made into the inferior Angel that now stood before them.

Immortal Love - #2 (Pennywise x OC x OC)Where stories live. Discover now