Chapter 26

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All Characters and locations borrowed from Stephen King's "It" remain his property. I own only the characters I've created.

Helpful Notes:
"Speaking Aloud"
'Speaking Telepathically'
Subconscious Thoughts, not heard by others.

A/N: This story involves VERY mature and sometimes disturbing situations. If you have any triggers I suggest perhaps trying another story.

*~..Lamia Amorist..~*

..Chapter 26..

Livid, Carlos transported into Asmodeus' quarters. He knew it was a bad idea, but he didn't care. The Angel he'd loved for thousands of years had just been tossed aside like she was garbage. The Demon Lord had some explaining to do.

He found Asmodeus and Heidi wrapped in a tender embrace. "Asmodeus." He spat angrily. Asmodeus turned and scoffed in annoyance, but reluctantly released Heidi.

"Go wait for me on the bed, my darling. I'll be there momentarily." He told her. She smiled and quickly headed to his bedroom, throwing herself into the middle of his bed.

Carlos quickly approached Ezra. The Demon Lord could plainly see his inferior was seething. "I already know what your about to say, Carlos."

"Really? Then you must also know how off the reserve your acting right now. Do you have any idea what you just did? You just destroyed the one you truly love. Your fucking mate!" He snarled.

Ezra held nothing but mild irritation on his face as he took a deep breath. "Look... I'll admit, I thought Nera was more than what she really is, until my true love returned to me. So, I am sorry that I misled her, but Heidi is all that matters to me now. I don't really give a fuck if you don't like it. You can get over it. Nera can get over it. You all can," he told him arrogantly.

If steam could have risen from Carlos's head, it would have. His fists clenched as he tightened his jaw, staring at Ezra in disbelief. "You just brought her entire world crashing down around her. You broke her heart. We're immortal beings, Asmodeus. Our energy thrives and lives for our mates once they've entered our lives, bonded or not. She may never fully recover from this. ... and you don't even care, do you?"

Ezra shrugged and look over his shoulder at the Demoness who now lay sprawled across his bed. "How can I when I have that?"

Carlos shook his head in disgust and turned, telling himself to just walk away, but he couldn't. The image of Nera collapsing to the floor in kept replaying over and over in his mind, holding him prisoner to his anger, and there was only one way to free himself from that moment.

He abruptly swiveled back toward Ezra, and punched him hard, sending the unsuspecting Demon Lord stumbling back to the ground.

Asmodeus angrily glared up at Carlos in shock, never having been disrespected by the loyal Demon before.

"You dare raise your hand to me?" Asmodeus growled, his eyes changing to black and red as he quickly rose to his feet, bowing up to Carlos. They were nearly nose to nose as he breathed angrily down at the slightly shorter Demon's neck. He was livid, but Carlos had always been loyal. The intimate moments shared between them last night flashed through his mind, just barely stopping him from attacking his lesser.

"Since the day you first created me, I have looked up to you, Asmodeus. Now, after all these years, you've destroyed every ounce of respect and loyalty I ever had for you. You don't deserve Nera. So, go on then. Enjoy your little Demon bitch." He snarled angrily, then transported out before things could get any uglier.

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