Chapter 4

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All Characters and locations borrowed from Stephen King's "It" remain his property.

Helpful Notes:
"Speaking Aloud"
'Speaking Telepathically'
Subconscious Thoughts, not heard by others.

A/N: This story involves VERY mature and sometimes disturbing situations. If you have any triggers I suggest perhaps trying another story.

*~..Lamia Amorist..~*

..Chapter 4..

At that moment time seemed to slow to almost a stand still. One second Duke was walking toward the restroom, the next he spun on his heel toward Ezra and said, "Think fast," and tossed something very quickly at him.

With his guard down, Ezra started reaching his hand out to catch it with his super quick reflexes, but being on her guard already, Nera saw what it was: a cross.

"NO!" screamed Nera, but before she could get to him, Ezra caught it and howled demonically, dropping it to the ground and clutching his burned hand, his teeth clenched and his fangs extending completely.

"Knew it," Duke proceeded to pull out a gun which undoubtedly had special bullets to take out immortals.

In a millionth of a second, Nera imagined Ezra's death. She imagined the bullet piercing his chest and her falling down to her knees next to him, hugging him and begging him not to go.

Pennywise and Santiago would probably kill Duke while she wept for Ezra, watching the light fade from his eyes. Once she processed the fact that he was gone, in a split second moment of overwhelming grief, she might use it to take her own life. Pennywise would then kill everyone else in the room and would unleash his rage upon the sleepy little town of Derry. The balance of good and evil would be ruined again. She would fail her entire mission.


Before Duke could even finish lifting his arm, Nera had him pinned tightly to a wall by his throat. Her expression was murderous, eyes glowing red with fury, fangs extended and the rest of her teeth had now changed into sharp teeth exactly like Pennywise's own. Her talons were unsheathed, long and glassy-black, cutting into his skin as she held him fast. Her wings burst out of her shoulder blades, enormous and black as the darkest night.

She looked like she was ready to go to war, and the truth was that she was. With her other hand she wrenched the gun from his grasp and used her powers to melt it to nothing, the liquid metal sizzling into the hardwood floor.

"Nera, what the hell are you doing?! He's a Demon! What's happening to you?" he choked out as best he could.

"If you want him, you'll have to go through ME!" She screamed fiercely. The sound of Nera's voice was so piercing that Sadie had to cover her ears.

Ezra stood, wincing in pain as the wound began to heal. He looked up at Duke with his eyes black and red, fangs still extended.

Seeing his eyes and realizing Ezra was more than just a low level Demon, Duke began struggling harder, but to no avail. Nera was so angry at him for nearly killing her lover that she was seconds away from snapping his neck.

"You're PROTECTING HIM!?" Duke realized, his voice rising in extreme upset. "Look at him Nera! He's a Demon Lord!" he denounced and gasped for air under Nera's hold. Finally he stopped struggling, just glaring at Ezra who looked arrogantly proud of this moment, his eyes piercing into Duke's with an almost mischievous confidence.

"I am fully aware of what he is!" Nera hissed acidly. She really was livid. All Duke seemed to do was let his emotions fuck things up and now he'd nearly killed her mate simply for being a Demon, without any care as to if he was good or not. In that moment she could have easily killed him. She was ready.

Immortal Love - #2 (Pennywise x OC x OC)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora