Chapter 15

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All Characters and locations borrowed from Stephen King's "It" remain his property. I own only the characters I've created.

Helpful Notes:
"Speaking Aloud"
'Speaking Telepathically'
Subconscious Thoughts, not heard by others.

A/N: This story involves VERY mature and sometimes disturbing situations. If you have any triggers I suggest perhaps trying another story.

*~..Lamia Amorist..~*

..Chapter 15..

Ezra finished dinner, his chest tight with anxiety while Pennywise leaned against the counter staring blankly ahead.

"They're both suffering and despite all the power I have, I can't fix it," Pennywise seethed, his eyes glowed red with anger, his hands clutching the edge of the counter nearly hard enough to crush it. "Why can't I sense Sadie's location at all? Surely a creature as clueless and pathetic as she is doesn't know how to hide her energy, does she?" Pennywise asked.

Ezra sighed, turning to face his lover. "No, but when immortals bond, even the low level ones can sometimes temporarily hide their partners energy as well as their own. Apparently whomever she bonded with is able to. Eventually, her signature will show back up though." Ezra explained.

"When she does, I will end her." Pennywise announced angrily. He was already imagining her death, shifting into his natural form and slowly pulling her body apart while listening to her screams of pain.

Ezra turned off the stovetop and moved the food to the back burner, then turned toward Pennywise. He approached Pennywise slowly, reaching up and cupping his face, momentarily distracted by the inviting warmth and smooth texture of his lover's skin. "This needed to happen. Santiago was never going to be truly happy away from Nera. The only thing killing Sadie will really accomplish is breaking Nera's spirit." He pointed out as gently as possible.

He has a point, Pennywise realized bitterly. Now at least they didn't have to worry about hurting Sadie's feelings. She had no more rights to Santiago. They could just enjoy themselves and Sadie could go fuck herself. Pathetic half-breed bitch.

With Pennywise momentarily lost in thought, Ezra used the opportunity to put the food away since he'd lost his appetite and Pennywise definitely wouldn't have eaten it. He then took Pennywise by the hand and led him upstairs.

Once they reached the bedroom they'd all shared, Pennywise stared at the empty bed, making no move toward it. "It's just not the same without her here." he mumbled.

"I agree, but let's try to make the best of it." Ezra suggested, unbuttoning Penny's shirt. He knew Pennywise was hurting, so he had to be strong for the both of them. He had to hold his mate together.

Pennywise looked down at the Demon Lord as he allowed himself to be slowly undressed. He was suddenly overwhelmed with affection for the Demon. Ezra was like a rock, keeping Pennywise grounded and thinking logically when he couldn't manage it for himself. It was shocking how much the Demon had come to mean to him in such a short amount of time.

He gently caressed Ezra's face as he shrugged out of his shirt, touching his lover's lips softly before leaning in and kissing him.

Even as Penny's blood quickened in his veins with the tenderness shard between them, Ezra could still sense the being's anxiety and unease. As he ran his hands up into Penny's hair,  Ezra released his power of seduction upon the cosmic being, knowing its affects would heighten his pleasure and put him in a state of aroused bliss so intense it would allow him to forget about their troubles, if even just for a little while.

Immortal Love - #2 (Pennywise x OC x OC)Where stories live. Discover now