Chapter 11

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All Characters and locations borrowed from Stephen King's "It" remain his property. I own only the characters I've created.

Helpful Notes:
"Speaking Aloud"
'Speaking Telepathically'
Subconscious Thoughts, not heard by others.

A/N: This story involves VERY mature and sometimes disturbing situations. If you have any triggers I suggest perhaps trying another story.

*~..Lamia Amorist..~*

..Chapter 11..

Once they'd had their fill of the bar for the night, the trio stepped out into the frigid air of the fall night, their breath now visible, forming in front of them like little tiny little ghosts before disappearing.

"I'd almost forgotten we rode over in Sadie's car," Ezra stated as he removed his coat, placing it over Nera's shoulders. He didn't need anything to stay warm since he could regulate his body temperature.

As for Pennywise having come from space, he was acclimated to freezing temperatures. Intense heat would be different, but it would have to be extremely intense, like lava. Something like that could potentially kill him, depending on the circumstances.

Nera took their hands as she stood between them, then tucked her chin, burying her nose into the fabric of Ezra's coat and inhaling his scent. A content little sigh vibrated across her vocal cords. He noticed what she'd done, smiling down at her with adoration and love.

His eyes sparkled for her, knowing soon they'd be bonded. For him, this was the dream. Not power, sex, money, or violence. He wanted to share a life with someone or now as luck would have it, two someone's.

He glanced at Pennywise, who's eyes met his with a cold, quiet calm. Pennywise was different, but he liked that. While he was perfectly able to behave civilized when need be, the truth was that Pennywise remained wild and savage underneath it all, as he was meant to be. There may never be a glittering warmth to his eye, just like you'd never see such from a wolf, but that didn't mean those feelings weren't there.

Almost as if Pennywise has heard his thoughts, Pennywise offered Ezra a wink, which caused a warm, pleasurable tension in Ezra's lower belly.

"Let's walk home... by the time we get there, we should be more than ready to warm each other up." Nera pointed out.

"Excellent point, sweetness." Pennywise agreed, and so they proceeded home together, hand in hand. Since it was already so late, they actually didn't come across anyone on the streets heading home.

Nera noticed as they reached the house that the bedroom lamp was on at Sadie's. She could see it from the front. She wondered what they were up to and if Sadie was doing okay.

Little did she know, at that very moment, Sadie was spread across her own bed having every inch of her flesh pleasured by a hoard of Demons.


The house was pleasantly warm as Nera and her lovers walked in. She walked gracefully across the rich wood floor toward the other side of the living room and put on some jazz music, then pointed a finger at each candle throughout the room, lighting them one at a time.

Soon the room was dimly lit by candle light, casting dancing shadows across the walls as she moved around the room. Last, she magically lit the fireplace as well.

Immortal Love - #2 (Pennywise x OC x OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora