Chapter 20

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All Characters and locations borrowed from Stephen King's "It" remain his property. I own only the characters I've created.

Helpful Notes:
"Speaking Aloud"
'Speaking Telepathically'
Subconscious Thoughts, not heard by others.

A/N: This story involves VERY mature and sometimes disturbing situations. If you have any triggers I suggest perhaps trying another story.

*~..Lamia Amorist..~*

..Chapter 20..

Nera turned back and looked at Lucifer. The warm wind whipped around her face, carrying a few tendrils of her hair over her eyes. He swept her hair from her face with one hand and the tears with the other as the Demon Lords and others attending the fights passed them by. He seemed unaffected by the look of betrayal in her eyes at what he'd done to her.

"I made sure the stitches match your dress, sweetheart." He told her affectionately as he watched her beautiful face look up at him.

Still wincing in pain from the stitches, she sighed, breathing out through het nose and closing her eyes for a brief moment. It suddenly occurred to her with absolute certainty there was something very wrong with Lucifer's mind. This was more than just an Angel gone bad. Something had happened to him. This was not the same Archangel that had been thrown from Heaven.

She opened her eyes then and brought a trembling hand to his face, her thumb moving light as a feather up and down his cheek. She was so uncertain of everything. She had no idea what would set him off next.

He ran his hands down her back, then back up, his finger tips caressing her back so soft that it managed to relax her a bit. She placed her head on his chest as he continued, his hands just moving soft and slow, up and down. It was almost as if he were trying to comfort her in a way.

'I wish I had met you before I changed, sweetheart.'

She heard the words come from his mind but as she lifted her head and looked up at him, she realized he'd not actually intended to say it directly to her. He was staring listlessly out into the world behind her, lost in thought.

She almost wished she hadn't heard it. All it did was serve to further confuse her. How could she hate someone who deep down wished he was a better man? There was more going on here than just an evil Archangel turned Devil. It was something never taught to the Angels during their studies in Heaven. It seemed likely that they honestly didn't know it themselves.

He suddenly looked back down at her and smiled. "Come." He told her and took her hand. Tears continued to stream silently down her face at the confusing and conflicted feelings in her heart.

He led her up a special walkway where only he and his Lords were allowed access. He had gaurds manning the area to make sure no stragglers came in.

Onward they went, the stairs spiraling up and up, until finally they came out into a large porch-like area shaded by a scarlet red canvas awning. Beneath it in the shade stood a large majestic throne and on each side of Lucifer's throne were stone seats with thick, lush red velvet cushioning for the lords to sit in. A second row perched slightly elevated for anyone else that had been invited to the section.

Ezra was quick to take a seat between Abaddon and Lucifer, forcing Elle to sit with some other Demonesses in the back despite one of the other Lords allowing his female to relax in his lap. Ezra wasn't about to allow that. Not only was he grateful to be away from Elle, but this had actually been his seat when he'd served Lucifer all those years ago.

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