Chapter 22

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All Characters and locations borrowed from Stephen King's "It" remain his property. I own only the characters I've created. 

Helpful Notes:
"Speaking Aloud"
'Speaking Telepathically'
Subconscious Thoughts, not heard by others.

A/N: This story involves VERY mature and sometimes disturbing situations. If you have any triggers I suggest perhaps trying another story.

*~..Lamia Amorist..~*

..Chapter 22..

Lucifer watched a momentary but glowing smile and glance between the two former lovers.

He snorted quietly in amusement. We'll see how long that lasts after tomorrow, he thought.

For tonight though, he was putting a pin in it. He wanted tonight to be as naughty and filthy as possible and he'd be lying if he said he didn't want Ezra to be a part of it. He missed the Demon Lord. Oh, but he would do things Ezra didn't enjoy tonight. It wouldn't all be fun for the others, but it would all be fun for himself.

A seductively dressed Demoness approached the table, batting her eyes flirtatiously at Lucifer. "What would you like to drink, my King?" She asked, bending over and giving him an eyeful of her cleavage. He sneered at her in irritation.

"You ignorant, disrespectful, little shit. You should always ask my Queen first!" He snapped, then stood and grabbed her as she screamed, slamming her over the table and destroying both his and Nera's place setting. From his hands grew incredibly long, sharp glossy black claws and he quickly sliced her throat open in several places.

The Demonness began gagging and a gurgling sound could be heard but she was unable to move, her body being controlled by Lucifer. Her blood floated up into the air as both Nera and Lucifer's wine glasses righted themselves. The stream of blood then arced downward and began filling their glasses.

Nera smiled happily as her glass filled. "Thank you, my love."

Lucifer chuckled in amusement and glanced up at Ezra who watched the display with only mild interest.

"Care for a glass, Asmodeus?" He asked. Ezra replied with a simple nod and held out his glass, watching as a steady stream of the Demonesses blood now made its way into his glass.

Abaddon held out his glass as well. Before it was all said and done, the Demoness had filled the glasses of several Lords and eventually she expired upon the table.

A stout looking low-level male Demon walked up and picked up her dead body with ease. "Shall I feed her to your hounds, my King?"

Lucifer nodded and rose to his feet after the Demon carrying the dead Demoness walked away. By now most of his court had found their seats and settled. A low murmur of casual discussion mixed with the sound of the human's wails of pain and cries for mercy. It fell on deaf ears. Not one Demon cared even the slightest for these sinners deemed so unworthy in death they'd been cast to Hell.

They made the perfect victims. If their physical bodies died, they would soon find themselves resurrected again in their cell down below the castle in a dungeon made for the souls banished to Hell.

The dungeon was dark, filthy, and desolate. It went on for thousands of miles in every direction. On every level there were hundreds of torture chambers. Demons made their living transporting down to their assigned chamber every day and torturing humans. The only reprieve for these humans is when it wasn't their turn and they could be left alone to sleep in their dark cold cell upon a bare floor. Sometimes that meant months, but for others it might just be weeks or days.

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