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    Paparazzi here and there, people calling out my name to look in their way and here I am standing on the red carpet

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

    Paparazzi here and there, people calling out my name to look in their way and here I am standing on the red carpet. Yes it has come, the premiere of The Crying Clouds will happen tonight and I can't wait to watch it. Because of this event, I literally teared up earlier just thinking about it.

   I then look at my right revealing Klaude, he looks amazing tonight, him wearing a plain black suit that is obviously expensive makes my heart race. He never fails to make me fall in love again, even though he does nothing at all. Too bad I didn't made my goal, having him before the premiere... I guess after is better.

  Then I remember how I failed so many times of telling him the truth, It's crazy how he still acts the same even after all the hints I showed him, does he still not know or acts as if he doesn't? But if he doesn't, you can't blame him since he's ignorant to such kind of things. He might not even experience someone confessing to him, well no one dares to anyways because just by his looks, you'll know the outcome.

   But the cabin was where we did our last shoot and after that the production prepared everything for this event, they did what they have to do to make this happen and finally... the dream that I have been waiting is here.

   We were the last one to walk in the carpet since as they say, save the best for last. Also we are with the director, A.K.A. Klaude's father.

   Since this is a first time, I just smile and act normal even if I am anxious before this could even start, I tried to act like a professional but it ended making me look like a newbie that has no idea what's happening which I really am. Klaude in the other hand looks like he is used to it, well he's a son of one of the famous directors in the world, paparazzi might have been stalking him. 

   As Klaude said, his father's movie theatre is what he usually use when he premieres his movies, so here we are standing in front of it. 

   It made me reminisce the day when Klaude ask for my forgiveness, which is something I would never forget, I wasn't expecting that anything at all. And the thought of that made me smile.

   We walk inside and see invited guests with the most exquisite clothing making me look at my colored light brown suit that my father gave me when he was still alive, he told me if the time comes, I'll be wearing this. I thought at first that he was talking about marriage but then he clarified that this is what I will wear once I walk in the red carpet. But I could also wear this if I get married if you know what I mean.

   I look at Klaude who I thought was next to me is already walking away, I followed him and hold his shoulder making him stop his track and look back, "Where are you going? The movie is about to start." I told him. He push my hand away and said, "I'm not interested." He looks away from me and start walking away. I sigh and grab his wrist, "This is our first movie Klaude, we can't miss it so we have to watch it together." And I start dragging him to the cinema.

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