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   Today is the day after I talk with Paris

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

   Today is the day after I talk with Paris. I really can't believe that I messed up like that, yesterday I was expecting that at this moment, everything is ok but here I am sitting at a place inside the studio that I ave no idea what its called.

   Knowing that I have no more chance on bringing Paris back kept on bothering me, so I'm just looking outside the window and viewing the city lights and clearly, it's already night.

   I've been staying here since morning, I should've just attend class but I know that I won't listen the lectures by the fact that I kept on thinking about what happened yesterday.

   Since it's 7 p.m I decided to go home. Well, what else can I do anyways right.

   I stood up and walk to the nearest elevator when I suddenly heard something inside a room that I thought was empty, the door was open which made me apprehend what's happening inside.

   Because of curiosity, I went inside the room seeing a producer watching something that it seems to be a scene from the movie. I walk towards him and when he saw my presence he got startled. "Klaude, I recommend you knocking the door. You almost gave me a heart attack." He said which made me apologise to him.

   "Do you need something?" He ask, maybe because of my sudden appearance, yet I asked him back, "Those scenes, isn't that from the movie?"

   "Well, yes they do. Since it's been a while and I miss shooting, I want to watch some scenes that I stole from the director. Don't tell your father." I chuckled from his response and start watching the scenes.

   Not long after it was cut into Paris' scene, I watch his acting and all I can say that it's impressive, the way he perform his scenes are truly amazing. "Look at Paris, I never seen a rookie act like that before, no words can explain how good he is. All you need is to watch and appreciate his passion in acting and that's when you'll know how astonishing his acting is."

   When he ended his statement, I immediately thought of something. I don't need to explain or say a word from him to convince him on how good he is in acting, all I have to do is let him watch this and he might understand.

   "Bryan, Can I have all the scenes with Paris in it?" He look at me confused yet he didn't questioned me so he did what I ask for.

   After moving the scenes in a USB, he gave it to me and told me to bring it back after using it. I thanked him and left. Now I need to think of an idea on how I'll show it to Paris.

   I know that if he see me first, he will do everything to avoid me so he needs to watch this before he could even catch a sight from me. But how is it possible?

   I left the studio and went back home. As usual, everyone greeted me when they saw me and even told me to eat dinner yet I declined. It seems like my parents aren't here, that's good then.

   Since no one is here to bother me, I went to the pavilion and stayed there while thinking of a plan. It didn't took long when a maid came with a glass of orange juice and a muffin, she place it on a coffee table which I thanked for.

   She bow and left without a word, seriously where did she get this muffin. I took a bite of a muffin and shockingly it's newly bake, this is a first because I don't usually stay outside of my room at night.

   Now, I should continue what I was thinking. Showing Klaude the movie without showing myself? I can't ask Mark to do it since Paris knows him already and might find suspicion if he unexpectedly talk to him. Shit, if only Flynn listened to Paris, we might not even talk yesterday and I would've said those words.

   Wait a second... Flynn.

   When I remember him, I suddenly think of an idea instantly.

   I stood up and and left the pavilion, when I saw one of the maids near the stairs, I told her to get my car keys which she did and since the people who works here are fast, it didn't took long when she came back and gave me my car keys,

   I went in, turn the engine on and start driving. Flynn... I'm guessing that he also works in the place where Paris is. The night that I got there, I saw Paris next to a guy, which I wish is Flynn.

   When I arrive to the bar, I left the car and look around. Damn, this place is nostalgic and still crowded.

   Going inside would be stupid since Paris might be working at this moment, so I ask someone to bring me a waiter that's name is Flynn, he didn't listen to me at first but when I laid my lips to his and insert a big amount of money in his pockets. He put a grin on his face and went inside the bar.

   The guy made me wait for a long period of time that made me think that he didn't followed what I said but then the door open from the bar and the guy from earlier came back with a waiter looking confused.

   He walk towards me and push Flynn closer to me, "Here's your boy, you better take easy on him." He said, before he walk away he wink at me which I just ignore and look at Flynn. When both of our eyes met, that's when he recognise me.

   "Klaude?" I nod as a response and finally said, "Can you do me a favor?" After he heard the words that slip to my mouth he raised his left eyebrow and I start explaining what I want him to do.

   He became intrigued and even pumped up so he accepted my request. 


Author's note: Well, all I wanted to say is that Thank you for the 3k reads!!! This my first time to reach this much reads so I almost cried ahaha, I'm very happy and to my readers who's been reading up until now I want to say is I love you guys and thank you so much!!! 

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