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Pizza: *refuses to talk to Spaghetti*

Cara: What happened this time?

Spaghetti: He refuses to talk to me because I said he was a crybaby for screaming when a scorpion was chasing him in Animal Crossing.

Cara: excuse me what--


Cara: Your face always looks so blank, Opera Cake~Kun. Are there any signs to tell when you're feeling angry or such?

Opera Cake: When I'm happy, the bitchy aspect of my normal expression leaves. When I'm angry, my eyebrows furrow and my eyes narrow. When I'm sad, my eyelids drop a bit and I channel my inner bitch 10x more as a defensive measure.

Cara: Shouldn't you channel your inner bitch 10x when you're angry, not when you're sad?

Opera Cake: Question me about my emotions one more time. I dare you.


Cara: Do you have any animal onesies?

(If this was confirmed or not in his backstory then I apologize, I have not read it and probably won't ever.)

Blue Cheese: No. I am far too old for onesies, especially animal ones.

Blue Cheese: Marshmallow, on the other hand, has a lot of onesies.


Cara: What is the stupidest thing you remember about your partners?

Soufflé: Opera Cake once used a gluestick thinking it was chapstick.

Soufflé: Blue Cheese continuously walked into a glass wall.

Cara: Why do I see both of those happening?

Soufflé: Because they did.


Cara: What do you do in your spare time and when you aren't in control?

Mirror: I watch him *looks at Soufflé* be an absolute idiot and worthless piece of waste.

Cara: ......

Soufflé: And?

Mirror: What?

Soufflé: That's not all you do.

Mirror: Hmp. Fine, as you wish. I plot ways to kill Blue Cheese and finally have Opera Cake to myself.

Soufflé: .....

Mirror: Are you.... crying?

Soufflé: Why would you want to kill Blue Cheese?


(I actually did a little research for this one [aka looked at one website answer], so uh here we gooo)

Opera Cake: Why must everyone insist on me eating things?

Cara: Because.

Opera Cake: That doesn't answer my question.

Cara: Because.

Opera Cake: You know what? Just give me the chili peppers.

Skewer: *hands them over* Be careful, dear.

Opera Cake: *eats the chili peppers* ...... *he wants to die*

Crystal: *hands him the mints* :)

Opera Cake: *eats the mints too*

Bread: 3.... 2..... 1.....

Opera Cake: *starts screaming*


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