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Cara: Akumu~Chan!!

Akumu: Hello Cara, I brought two of my Food Souls with me. Meet Puto and Halo-halo

Cara: Filipino!!

Akumu: I'm probably gonna regret this sooner or later

Puto: Huh?

Halo-halo: *looking around with interest*

Akumu: Nothing. Where's Chocolate?

Chocolate: You called?

Akumu: Can I have a hug?

Chocolate: I don't see why not *hugs her*


Brownie: Don't be jealous


Akumu: Souffle, have you ever been caught checking someone out?

Souffle: No. I'm clever about my stalkerish tendencies

Opera Cake: Tendencies

Souffle: I've never been caught before

Opera Cake: Don't lie to her

Souffle: I'm not lying!

Fruit Tart: *gives him the look*

Opera Cake: *gives him the look*

Blue Cheese: *gives him the look*

Baguette: *gives him the look*

Souffle: Baguette why are you here?

Baguette: I live here now

(Souffle has been caught many times by Opera Cake. He's not as clever or sneaky with this stuff as he likes to believe)


Akumu: Tequila, have you ever embarrassed yourself in front of your crush?

Tequila: Yes, but that's a very personal story that I don't want to share. But I can tell you about the time I embarrassed myself in front of Margarita!

Martini: Oh boy

Fish and Chips: This'll be good

Halo-halo: *leans into the room with interest*

Tequila: I gave her a motivational speech about never letting yourself stay down, and then tripped over a tree root and laid on the ground for twenty minutes

Margarita: It was a very confusing day


Akumu: Baguette, has Sachertorte ever embarrassed you?

Baguette: Many, many times

Sachertorte: He keeps a list

Baguette: I keep two lists

Sachertorte: Oh?

Baguette: One list is a fully detailed timeline chart, the other list is alphabetized

Marshmallow, looking at said lists: Oh my

Parfait: Aww, Sachertorte embarrassed you after the Time Pavilion fire by tackling you and saving you from the door about to collapse?

Sachertorte: I saved your life!

Baguette: People were asking me if I had wanted to die afterwards!

Turducken: Well do you?

Baguette: I mean kinda, yeah

Turducken: *looks at Sachertorte* It's free real estate

Sachertorte: No it's depression


Akumu: Pizza, Cassata, Cheese!

*Italian Trio manifests*

Akumu: I dare you three to prank Whiskey three times!

Cheese: Oh, you came to the right girl for this

Pizza: Sweet revenge~

Cassata: Um.... what if things go south? Whiskey will most likely retaliate in some way

Akumu: That's why Puto and Halo-halo are here. They'll protect you guys

Puto: *waves*

Halo-halo: I have the pepper spray ready!

Cassata: I can protect Pizza just fine!

Cara: *looks at Fallen Souls AU* Riiiight

Pizza: *leans in close to Cara and whispers* Talk shit about him, and you'll wake up without pigtails



Whiskey: *reading a book about alchemy theories*

Cheese: *hands him a glass* Here, Mr. Royal-Pain-In-The-Ass, the juice Master Attendant wanted to give you

Whiskey: Master Attendant never wanted to give me any juice

Cheese: Well she told me to give this juice to you

Whiskey: This doesn't look or smell like juice

Cheese: Master Attendant spent her morning making you this juice

Whiskey: Alright, fine *downs the glass* .... That's not juice

Cheese: Your face looks like you're boiling! H-Here, have some water.... *hands him a glass of vodka*

Whiskey: Thank you. Out of everyone in your group, you treat me with the most respect *downs the glass*



Whiskey: *runs to the bathroom*

Cheese: *laughing maniacally as she watches him drink water from the faucet tap*



Cassata: *has a fake piece of hair-- which looks identical to Whiskey's-- in his pocket*

Whiskey: *just trying to read his book*

Cara: *should be doing her (my) schoolwork but has validated this, Food Fantasy, and the readers more in life*

Cassata: *pulls out a pair of scissors and the piece of hair, snippy snip right behind Whiskey's head*

Whiskey: What in the--? DID YOU JUST CUT MY HAIR!?

Cassata: Maybe






Puto: run


Whiskey: *has about had it with the Italian Trio*

Whiskey: I'm just gonna go and take a nap. Absolutely nothing can go wrong with that

Whiskey: *goes into his room and sleeps*

*meanwhile, outside of his room*

Cassata: Pizza... how do you know how to pick locks?

Pizza: When we lived back in the kingdom, there was a curfew on both me and Cheese. I don't go to bed until 3 in the morning

Cassata: I remember picking your bedroom lock so I could lay with you

Cheese: I'm sure you two did other things

Pizza: Oh hush. Anyway, Cassata, come and help me move Whiskey


Whiskey: *wakes up slowly* Why does it smell like a woman's perfume....

Whiskey: *rolls over to be face-to-face with Fruit Tart*

Whiskey: *screams*

Fruit Tart: *screams* WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY BED WITH ME!?

Souffle: *throws door open* Lady fruit Tart! I heard you screaming-- YOU DEGENERATE MALE!

Food Fantasy Ask & Dare!!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें