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Cara: Akumu~Chan, aka FlyingLightDragon, has come in with some more!

Akumu: I've brought some food!

Cara: Ooo, is this for the dare?

Akumu: Yep!

Cara: Hawthorne Ball~Chan! Sandwich~Kun! Popcorn~Kun! Toast~Kun! Please help Akumu~Chan take the food to the dining room for later

Cheese: Why didn't you ask me to help?

Cara: With all due respect, Cheese~Chan, you'd eat the food right then and there

Cheese: Fair enough

Cara: So, we'll do the asks first and the dares afterwards. What did you want to ask?

Akumu: This is for Martini

Martini: Yo

Akumu: Okay, have s** with, marry, kill-- Tequila, Fish and Chips, Margarita

Cara: Interesting

Martini: Kill Margarita

Cara: That was quick

Akumu: Why? What'd she do to you?

Martini: She stalks Tequila

Martini: Have s** with Tequila, and then marry Fish and Chips

Akumu: Why?

Martini: I can't imagine Tequila being in an actual relationship, and he's my brother-in-arms. Fish and Chips, while an idiot, is more affectionate




Cara: Oyster~Kun!

Oyster: What do you want-- oh god there's two humans

Cara: HEY! I'm an Elf

Akumu: Oyster, I dare you to kiss Beer *laughs maniacally*

Oyster: But WHYYY

Oyster: Does it have to be on the lips? I'm not kissing on the lips

Akumu: Mm.... it doesn't have to be on the lips. It can be on the cheek

Oyster: Good. I refuse to kiss the lips of anyone but my reflection

Cara: But you hate your reflection

Oyster Exactly

Oyster: Beer!

Beer: You called for me?

Oyster: *bright red* *mumbling and growling*

Beer: Are you okay?

Oyster: *pecks Beer's cheek and runs away*


Cara: Oyster~Kun is fast!

Akumu: Beer? Are you okay?

Beer: *tearing up* He does care....


Akumu: I dare Baguette and Sachertorte to switch clothes for a day!

Cara: Because you two are different sizes, we had special copies made to fit comfortably!

Baguette: Well, this isn't so bad.... scarf is warm....

Sachertorte: You don't look half bad, Babeguette. Though, there is one thing....

Baguette: Hm?

Sachertorte: I always thought that these were just a longer part of your shirt or a tight sash.... why do you wear shorts over pants?

Baguette: Do you have a problem with it?

Sachertorte: No

Baguette: I like the shoes. Being taller is dope

Sachertorte: ...... Do you think I don't know that?


Cara: Okay, and now for the final dare. FOOD SOULS, ASSEMBLE!

*all the Food Souls appear in one big pile*

Cara: Now Akumu~Chan has prepared some very special dishes from the Philippines for you all to try

Akumu: Puto, Lechon, Halo-halo, Buko pie

Apple Pie: It's like a rice cake, right? It doesn't taste bad

B-52: If it's steamed or grilled, I eat

Bamboo Rice: *feeding the puto to his rats*

Boston Lobster: It's.... kinda chewy

Marshmallow: I could live off of these

Akumu: Where did the rest of the puto go? I made more than enough

Cheese: *wipes rice grain off her lip*


Akumu: Alright, well next up is Lechon

Popcorn: It's not roast chicken, but.... it's not bad

Turducken: Baguette you better eat this *stabs fork into meat and stuffs it in Baguette's mouth* Or so god help me I will tell Sachertorte and Marshmallow about your eating disorder

Baguette: turducken please

Dorayaki: Yum yum yum delicious

Cassata: This is my plate, get your own

Whiskey: Boy if you don't get back here

Cara: *watching with wide eyes as Cheese pulls a whole bone out her mouth* My god

Akumu: Halo-halo! (I think this Food Soul would be cute. Make it happen, Elex/Funtoy)

Vanilla, to Strawberry: Is this self-cannibalism?

Soft Serve Cone: I'm immune to brain freeze

Caviar: Mm...... delicious. I still prefer strawberry milkshakes, though

Napoleon Cake: I like the beans

Tangyuan: Can we have this for dessert for the rest of the week?

Cheese: Yes. I demand it

Akumu: And finally-- Buko pie!

Braised Noodles: So this is like a custard pie?

Hardtack Biscuit: It says pie in the name, stupid

Buddha's Temptation: I normally prefer rice cakes, but this isn't bad

Natto: I.... I've never had this on my travels before

Eggnog: Turkey, we should have this for dessert more often

Fondant Cake: I agree! (I just noticed that both Eggnog and Fondant Cake, advisors to their kings, like lemon pie. And Champagne and Turkey prefer beverages)

Cara: I think my favorite is Halo-halo. Cheese, what do you think--

Cheese: *loud burp*




Pizza: Are you good

Cheese: Yes, better than I have ever been


Cara, reading the script I gave her: I hope the reactions were good enough! If I got any of the dishes wrong, please correct me. 

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