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Cara: Okay, so our first questions are coming in from FlyingLightDragon

Cara: How are you doing today? Hanging in there during quarantine? Thank you for washing your hands and taking cautionary measures, stay safe!

Cara: Okay, so the first one is, and this is for everyone, "What do you think of Elex/Funtoy releasing Filipino food souls like Adobo, Sorbetes, Puto, and Pinapaitan?"

Rice: Hm.... well.... I think..... everyone is.... welcome!

Sukiyaki: The more the merrier!

Spaghetti: More chess pieces to add to my board!

Whiskey: More experiments to find my ultimate goal!

Whiskey: .... Pizza's right behind me, isn't he?

Pizza: *looks up from Cassata's scarf* Don't talk about me

Cara: I think it would be nice of Elex/Funtoy to do that. Most of the Food Souls in the game come from China and Japan, and I don't think there are any Filipino Food Souls yet? I'm not sure. But it would be great for the game's reputation to add more diversity of cuisine in which the Food Souls are based off of, rather than just making most of them from China or Japan.

Cheese: What's Elex/funtoy?

Pizza: The people that made us all, except for Cara, I guess

Cheese: What?

Pizza: What?


Cara: Tequila~Kun!

Cara: "What are your first impressions on Martini and Fish and Chips and current impressions?"

(P.S.: I haven't read their backstories, so the most knowledge I have is the story of the Tequila event.)

Tequila: Well..... when I first saw Fish and Chips, he looked like an experienced knight who had a heart of gold. A little bit stupid-looking, but still pure. As for Martini, like many others, I thought he was rather active in.... THAT way

Cara: I still don't understand what people mean by Martini~Kun's appearance is amorous

Tequila: I also thought that he was a little lost? He definitely looked like a holy forest spirit. I mean just look at him

Cara: And your current impressions?

Tequila: Fish and Chips is a bigger idiot than I realized. He's still pure and wants the best for his friends, but he's an idiot and a child. As for Martini, he's a chill dude! My favorite drinking buddy! My honorary brother-in-arms! My best friend!

Cara: Tequila~Kun is a good friend



Pizza: *jumps down* I'M GAY

Cara: We know, Pizza~Kun. The last question is for you. It's kinda like an ask-dare?

Pizza: Hit me with it

Cara: "What do you look like when you don't do your braid?"


*everyone runs to the room*

Macaron: I wanna see this!!

Whiskey: *stalkerish look*

Pizza: Do I have to?

Cara: Yes

Pizza: *sigh* Fine....

Pizza: *begrudgingly undoes his braid* *shakes his head and runs a hand through the loose hair*

Everyone: *loud gasp of awe*

Salty Tofu: He looks fucking emo!

Pizza: *basically his hair looks a lot messier, and his free hair is covering the one side of his face*

Chocolate, to Cassata and Cheese: Why aren't you two squealing?

Cheese: We're used to it. We see him every morning, I'm his sister

Cassata: I see this every morning when I wake up. It'll never be not gorgeous

Pizza: *receiving headpats*

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