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Boston Lobster: Yo, I'm back from beating the crap out of Minestrone

Cara: *looking away* Where's your shirt?

Boston Lobster: I got hot and took it off

Cara: *sighs* Go to the ice arena


Cara: How do you all deal with Peking Duck~Kun's children?

Yuxiang: It's usually Peking who takes care of them, and they never leave his side. But when they do, they're usually with either Hawthorne Ball or Pancake. When they're with me, I usually read to them about history

Plum Juice: I once made some tomato soup when Hawthorne Ball was sick. I went back into the kitchen and found them playing in it like it was a birdbath

Hawthorne Ball: It's easy, really! You just gotta keep an eye on them, make sure they don't get too spooked or go too far from each other. Then it's a chore to gather them all back together

Pancake: They like to peck at my head.... so I usually let them

Bamboo Rice: I'm not allowed to look after the ducks. I almost stepped on them.. multiple times


Cara: Do you two, Milk~Chan and Black Tea~Chan, take the noble title of the most functional gay couple in this establishment?

Milk: ..... *looks at Black Tea* What do you think?

Black Tea: Most functional lesbian couple. For most functional couple out of everyone here, we're competing with Longjing Tea and Zitui Bun

Realgar Wine: I've been keeping score with Tiramisu, they're in a deadlock right now


Cara: What are your favorite animes, and do you usually watch them alone or with someone else?

Omurice: Attack on Titan, Black Butler, Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt, Boku No Pico--

Cara: That sounds familiar

Boston Lobster: You're not watching it. EVER

Omurice: The Pokemon anime, Fairytale, Seven Deadly Sins, there are a lot of animes that I like to watch

Omurice: I normally watch them alone (F) but sometimes Pudding ends up watching them with me late at night

Pudding: I'm the one who drags him to bed


Cara: Zitui Bun~Kun, who do you usually trust when it comes to taking care of Momo?

Zitui Bun: Longjing Tea is the first person I go to when I need someone to keep an eye on Momo for a while. But if he's busy, not there, or recovering then I'll ask Realgar Wine


Cassata: Are you good up there?

Pizza: Mm.... yep! Cheese, you gonna keep an eye on my hat?

Cheese, wearing Pizza's hat: When have I not? You're always leaving it behind like it doesn't exist

Cara: Alright, now don't do anything stupid, you two. Remember, you have to give Pizza~Kun a piggyback ride around the restaurant

Cassata: Yeah yeah yeah *walks out with Pizza*

Sandwich: Uh-oh, here comes the harbringer of chaos

Popcorn: Dude, weird stuff really does happen whenever Pizza is around. Especially if he doesn't like you

Pizza: I see everything from up here-- hey you, yeah you, delinquent, stop looking at hentai!


Pizza: Cassata, go stand up on that stool over there

Cassata: Why? You might hit your head on the ceiling

Pizza: Just do it. The ceiling isn't that low

Cara: *looks up* Huh. Or maybe you two are just tall

Cassata: *stands on stool* Now what?

Pizza: *deep inhale* *eyes snap open with a bright glow as he T-poses*

Everyone: *starts screaming*

(I'm sorry I saw the opportunity and I took it)


Cassata: *not at all happy to be in a conversation with Whiskey and Spaghetti*

Pizza: Hm.... oh! *kicks both of them in the face* I can do that without falling now!


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