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Cara: Event ranking is like school grades

Boston Lobster: ..... How?

Cara: It's so easy to fall, and it's impossible to bring back up again

Boston Lobster: I never went to school

Cara: I basically just told you what my math grades looked like every year

Pudding: So that's why you have me do the finances


Cara: Oyster~Kun, how do you feel when Beer~Kun is like a father figure to you?

Oyster: Well, it's a nice experience. Because Beer actually cares about me, unlike SOMEBODY


Oyster: Yes I'm calling you out!

Borscht: I care about you....

Oyster: Borscht don't make me feel bad, you're the best mom I could ever ask for


Cara: Brownie~Kun, how does B-52~Kun react to seeing you in your Deadly Agent outfit?

Brownie: The first he ever saw me wearing it he was confused. He didn't understand why I had changed my clothes. It was a disaster trying to explain to him that I did not become a girl

Brownie: Of course, there are the degenerate customers who show up from time to time. There are only a few times you have me working in the restaurant or the balcony suite, but one of those times I was unlucky enough to get said customer type, and they tried to lift up the back of my skirt. Even though I was wearing pants underneath

Brownie: You remember what happened that day

Cara: *nods* Right. I walked in just in time to see B-52 eject them from the restaurant


Cara: Pastel de Nata~Kun!!

Pastel de Nata: You can just call me Pastel

Cara: Pastel~Kun

Pastel de Nata: What?

Cara: You have to hug everyone that you like

Pastel de Nata: *sighs* ...... I hate you

Cara: Who doesn't?


Pastel de Nata: *hugs Napoleon Cake* I like you the most

Napoleon Cake: *hugs back* Thank you :')

Pastel de Nata: *hugs Brownie* You don't drive me up the wall

Brownie: Thanks....?

Pastel de Nata: *hugs Cara* I didn't mean what I said earlier

Cara: Yes you did

(Why is there a question mark on the wiki for Pastel de Nata being on New Journey server?)

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