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(*checks the Food Souls gallery after any update, server maintenance, or bug fix* *sees no cards have been updated* Yes! My bank account is safe! ........ *realizes* .... Do I even have a bank account?)

Cara: *trying to clear Palata stages* Foie Gras~Chan, if I could get you to 2 stars, maybe then you'd be a viable unit to the team. At this rate, Vodka~Chan may be more reliable than you, and she doesn't have status effects on basic skill

Akumu: *watching as Cara slaps a bunch of units together to try to get through these stages*


Akumu: What's the cruelest joke you've ever played on someone?

Cheese: Okay, so everyone knows I like to make Pizza my victim. Well one time I duct taped (is it bad I always thought it was spelled duck tape) an airhorn to his wall while he was asleep, and so I opened the door and hit the airhorn, and I've never seen him jump up so quick

Cheese: The entire day was Prank Pizza Day, because then I gave him a donut filled with mayo

Cara: *gags*

Cheese: And I gave him an anonymous bowl of Skittles, M&Ms, and Reese's Pieces

Akumu: w h y would you do that!?

Cheese: Why not

Cheese: Needless to say, there was not a happy Pizza that day


Opera Cake: Something that Souffle doesn't know, or something that he doesn't want you to know?

Akumu: ......

Akumu: Something he doesn't want me to know

Opera Cake: Jesus, please forgive me for my sins

Marshmallow: The Eye of Horus will determine your fate

Opera Cake: Souffle still sleeps with stuffed animals and doesn't know how to tie his shoelaces

(Is it bad that I didn't know how to tie my shoelaces until like....... 5th grade or so?)


Akumu: What's your all-time favorite memory?

Sachertorte: The day I joined the Eye of Horus

Sachertorte: It was a magical day. Champagne was there. God was there. Jesus Christ was there

Marshmallow: I thought you met Baguette when he was getting beat up and almost got murdered????

Sachertorte: Ah yes, my second favorite memory. I'll never forget how he looked at me

Marshmallow: With a black eye and broken expression??

Sachertorte: Go talk to Parfait


Akumu: Who do you look up to the most, and what qualities do you love about that person?

Eggnog: My first Master Attendant. He was ambitious, with a heart of gold. He was determined, but most of all, he was a dreamer and a natural born leader

Turkey: You stormed into the castle and damn near made my Master Attendant cry

Eggnog: Well maybe if you two had been doing your jobs


Akumu: How do you like to be comforted when you're sad?

B-52: Well.... normally I have to be reminded that it's okay for me to experience these emotions. I have a tendency to believe that, because I am a machine, I am not supposed to be feeling anything like this. Just the reminder that I'm allowed to feel these things is enough

Raindrop Cake: I just want someone who will listen to me talk about my problems, and gives me time to think about what's actually bothering me

Sanma: I usually like to be left alone to sort things out with myself. I need to put distance between myself and others so I don't say something I'll regret

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