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Cara: It all started when my mom met my dad

Cara: They fell in love and had me

Cara, as Akumu walks in: Hi, I'm Cara

Cara: And my life.... is kinda crazy


(NSFW question)

Akumu: What are your top 3 turn-ons?

Spaghetti: Well..... I like collars.....

Spaghetti: Blindfolds...

Spaghetti: Honestly just Whiskey alone is a turn-on


(I'm only doing the ones who I know have partners and I can make believable lies for TvT)

Akumu: What is the biggest lie you've ever told your partner?

B-52: I was sleeping and woke up from a nightmare when Brownie asked me why I was crying. I said I forgot to regulate my oil again

Tequila: I was in the infirmary for 4 weeks and when Martini and Fish and Chips demanded to know why, I said I broke my leg

Martini: You didn't break your leg!?

Tequila: Nope. I needed surgery :)

Martini: Tequila!!!

Cara: Is that the biggest lie you've told...?

Tequila: No, but I'm not ready to reveal that yet

Martini: Well, the biggest lie I've told these two idiots is that Croissant was mad at them for being 2 seconds late to the meeting

Tequila: Croissant gives Fish and Chips PTSD

Martini: You throwing yourself in harm's way gives me PTSD

Toso: I told Laba Congee that most of Sakurajima hadn't forgotten about her

Cara: Oh, that's depressing

Whiskey: Bone Knight's core

Oyster, from somewhere: *screeches*

Beer: I told Oyster I had no connections to the Holy See. He was confused when he saw Pretzel at my birthday party

(Can we say that Pretzel is like an older brother to Oyster?)

Realgar Wine: I promised Dragon & Phoenix that I didn't still hate myself for hurting all of those people. I lied, I haven't eaten in 7 weeks or slept

Red Wine: I found out that Steak's MA secretly hated him because the townspeople thought he was hotter. I never told Steak because he loved his MA as though he were his father

(Wow I really like hurting Steak don't I)

Sake: That Jiuniang didn't fail her math class

Yellow Wine: What!? Eh, I ain't too mad about it now

Yellow Wine: I lied to Sake about treating people with respecc

Cara: I first week I summoned you, Yellow Wine~Kun, you trashed the restaurant. Every day of the week


Akumu: What would you two do if you were the opposite sex for a month?

Tequila: I think we'd just do what we normally do, except be girls

Fish and Chips: *looking up information about girls*

Tequila: Though I suppose it would be a little harder to get used to, and we'd have to do some research to make sure we're taking care of ourselves properly

Weisswurst: Tequila? Being self-preservative? Who is this and what have they done with the Tequila I know?

Fish and Chips: Master Attendant, what's a period?

Cara: *spits out drink*


Cara: *has gathered the Holy See, Pasta Platoon, Sichuan Hotpot, and Skewer in one room*

Akumu: Beer, who in this room would you like to make out with the most?

Candy Cane: I'm a minor, why am I in here?

Beer: Hm.....

Skewer: Don't touch my girlfriend

Beer: Hm......

Oyster: *asleep, had be brought in by Pretzel*

Beer: Oyster


Akumu: What is your favorite thing that your boyfriend does?

Martini: Well, for Tequila, I love how he has this unstoppable urge to draw on a person's face if he finds them asleep during the day, unless it's Escargot. As for Fish and Chips, everything he does is cute~

Pastel de Nata: Napoleon Cake makes little paper boats for the kids and he'll write their names on them in cursive letters. It's also adorable when he grabs a piece of his hair and twirls it with his finger

Cara: Napoleon Cake~Kun's hair is fluffy~

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