Jagged Little Tapestry

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"I messed up big time." Sebastian said. It was three in the morning and he'd knocked on Blaire and Ash's door. Now he was sat on their couch. They hadn't seen him since Nick and Jeffs wedding." He proposed and I got scared and said no because I'm scared of huge commitments and then we got into an argument and then we broke up."

"You what?" Ash asked." Seb, you said no?"

"I was scared." Sebastian admitted." I didn't know what to say and the first thing that came out was no. I do want to marry him but it's a big commitment."

"That four of your best friends have survived." Blaire said." Okay. You are going to win Ben back."

"And we're going to help." Ash said with a smile. Sebastian sighed.

"Welcome, everyone, to our very first glee club rehearsal!" Rachel said the next day. Everyone applauded.

"First, we would like to welcome back our distinguished alumni who have so graciously agreed to stay an extra week." Blaire said.

"Yeah, how exactly are you guys doing that?" Jane asked.

"I can bend time and space with my mind." Brittany replied.

"Okay, so, as you have very well heard, the glee club has a grand and glorious tradition of starting each week with a lesson where we explore every musical genre under the sun!" Rachel explained.

"But mostly Katy Perry and showtunes." Quinn said.

"Not this week. The four of us are extremely excited to kick off this weeks lesson with our..." Kurt began.

"First musical lesson, Jagged Little Tapestry!" Rachel interrupted.

"Oh look, finally some songs about Rachel's hair extensions." Santana said. Blaire started laughing.

"Now, as you can clearly see, we've combined that titles of these two iconic albums..." Rachel began.

"Alanis Morissettes Jagged Little Pill!" Kurt interrupted. Blaire and Ash watched. Blaire didn't have to attend meetings where they chose the week theme as she was just the choreographer. Ash didn't say anything during the meeting.

"Which is celebrating its 20th year anniversary." Rachel added.

"And Carole Kings Tapestry." Kurt continued." That-That's my favourite."

"So these two..." Ash began but Rachel spoke over him. He stood awkwardly in silence.

"These two iconic albums are sort of like chocolate and peanut butter." She said.

"Or peanut butter and jelly." Kurt added.

"Okay they're both different but amazing." Rachel said. Blaire and Ash stood and watched, choosing not to say anything and to let Rachel and Kurt quarrel over who got to say what." You know, you could say that they're sort of like the Reeses Pieces of music."

"I hate Reese Pieces." Ash muttered. Blaire nodded. Since living with and marrying Blaire, Ash avoided anything to do with nuts and peanuts at all. Including Reeses and Reeses Pieces.

"Or if you don't like Reeses Pieces like Ash or have a nut allergy, like Blaire, you could name another candy of your choice." Kurt said. Everyone stared at them.

"Okay, Kurt, why don't you now..." Rachel began.

"Well-well, Carole Kings Tapestry, is-is..." Kurt stammered." You know, it's easy and informal, like you're getting a cup of coffee with an old friend."

"Team Carole!" Madison and Mason said at the same time. Blaire smiled as they did a handshake like she and Blaine do.

"Good choice." Blaire said. The twins smiled at her.

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