Tina In The Sky With Diamonds

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"IT'S BEAUTIFUL!" Blaine gasped as he looked at the ring on his sisters finger. The three were all sat on Blaire's bed." Oh my god.  I'm happy for all of us. We're all getting married. We should do a joint wedding!"

"Blaine. I love you but our engagement anniversaries are already on the same day. I don't want the same wedding anniversary too." Blaire chuckled.

"Yeah...I can totally see that." Blaine said." So I guess you got the talk from our parents then?" 

"No. The only people who knew I was doing this were Chandler, Nick, Jeff, Sebastian and Ben." Ash replied." Why?"

"Oh because they gave me a huge talk before I proposed to Kurt. About us being young and all that jazz." Blaine replied. Ash and Blaire glanced at one another.

"ASHTON! BLAIRE! CAN WE SPEAK TO YOU FOR A MOMENT PLEASE?!" Pam called up the stairs. Blaine laughed.

"Good luck." He said as the two got off the bed. They walked down the stairs and sat at the dinner table opposite Pam and Liam.

"Have you thought this through?" Pam asked. Ash gave a nod." Because we got married young and you know how well that turned out."

"We won't be like that." Ash said confidently." I love Blaire and she loves me. We know what it's like to live with one another and we've babysat Eddie plenty of times. I've thought this through. We're ready."

"Are you 100% sure?" Liam asked.

"Yes." Blaire answered with a confident nod.

"Let me see the ring then." Pam said with a smile. Blaire showed it to her." OH MY GOD. ITS GORGEOUS!"

"Have you looked at prom dresses yet?" Tina asked Blaire. No one in the choir room knew about her and Ash's engagement as they hadn't told anyone.

"I've been too busy looking at wedding dresses. All of my wedding magazines came today." Blaire said. Sam sat up and jumped off of the piano. Blaine was sat at the piano. Ash was in the corner with Artie and Ryder and Blaire was sat with the girls and Jake.

"You're wearing a dress at the wedding?" Sam asked Blaine. He shook his head.

"Why are you looking for wedding dresses then?" Kitty asked her. Blaire held her hand up, showing the ring excitedly. The girls all squealed.

"You proposed?" Sam asked." YOU'RE BOTH GETTING MARRIED?!"

"On different days." Blaire said as the girls surrounded her, looking at the ring on her finger." Ash had the idea before Blaine apparently. He proposed just after with our friends surrounding us."

"I'm so happy for you." Marley said. Ash smiled widely. Mr Schue entered the room.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"Blaire and Ash are engaged like Kurt and Blaine." Unique said.

"Congratulations." Mr Schue said. Everyone sat down and Blaire and Ash smiled." Come on, guys, we're back with the Beatles! We're leaving the mop tops behind and moving into their experimental years. Now, the Rubbed Soul album marked a turning point for the group, where they literally and figuratively let their hair down. Now, the Beatles were the biggest musical act in the world. They could've remained in their comfort zones, but instead they risked everything to explore new musical worlds. They had something important to say, and they weren't going to let something as silly as the fear of failure get in their way."

"Good Afternoon McKinkey high." Principal Sue said over the PA system." This year all the proms are being fused into one giant brundleprom."

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