The spice pits of Cato

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"Alright hand it over, I promise there will be no punishment or retaliation from myself".

Spades turned to Jex who nodded devilishly.

"Ok but your not gonna like it" spades brought out a hollo recording that Kix had sent them of Nara and their previous conversation.

"Dam that wall hit me harder than Harvey did last night".

Harvey face lit up like a Christmas tree on Christmas Eve. Fang had to hold onto the wall due to the lack of oxygen making it into his lungs from wheezing to hard. Gus was blushing tenfold as coil covered his ears. Recr just smirked at coil for protecting the baby of the group. Tic and Dock were texting Kix a picture of Harvey's reaction. Spades was bitting his lip holding back his laughter and Jex just overly amused.

"You hit her hard hmm sir" Hu grinned wiggling his brows.

"I am not answering that and for your information it was not that kind of a hit"!

Fang was dying in the background .

The amount of amusement from around the room was overwhelming as Harvey could feel the eyes of his men plastering themselves over him like flies to honey.

"Don't you have something better to do" he huffed.

"Considering you lost me fifty credits last week I think not" Hu frowned.

"Wait fifty, why on courasant did you loose fifty credits"

"I bet you would be two much of a wuss to ask the commander out and that you two wouldn't get together anytime soon and well" he looked over at Gus who looked away guilty.

" I lost the bet".

"So you bet on wether or not I had the guts to ask commander Nara out, how many of you betted on this"

Everyone looked away or whistled.

"Everyone sir" Fang finally said.

"Everyone even you" Harvey scoffed.

"Yep and those eighty credits were worth the wait, so thank you" Fang smirked.

"I can't believe this, my own men betting on my love life. I should be angry , I should feel slightly used. but at the same time I'm kind of impressed and slightly proud".

The scratchy sounds of the ships inner workings sounded.

"Hope you boys like sand cause we're here".

Meanwhile on the other ship.

"You just had to send that didn't you" Nara growled her cheeks a dark scarlet.

Fives was on the floor howling as was hardcase and Jesse. Anakin was beside himself with laughter and even Rex was overly amused by his medics humour.

"It's only fair" kix mused seeing the image of light up Harvey.

"Oh really then you wouldn't mind if I sent a picture of you and Presphone of that one time I caught you two in the.."

"Ok just shut up" Kix muttered aggressively.

"Alright as much I love this conversation I just received intel from Tic we are moving into position as we speak" Echo spoke up.

"How close are we" Skywalker asked eying the arc trooper.

"About fifty clicks to the south sir"

"Good, ready your weapons and prepare yourself once we drop down there's no turning back".

Everyone nodded before loading up their gear. Nara securely fastened a strap around her thigh as she quickly tucked her sabre on the back of her belt. She had had feeling that she might need it for later. Fives leaned over to her hitting her in the shoulder.

Nara: a force untoldTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon