A new mission and flying Jedi?

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Nara sat on the edge of the landing bay feeling the cooling breeze that blew from the ships as they flew out of the hangar doors. The gust of wind would sent her hair flying back like a blanket flapping in the wind. It brought a sense of freedom and peace to her soul as she imagined flying among them in the clouds.

"Uhh Nara What are you doing"?

She opened her eyes letting out a little sigh as she turned to see the familiar Jedi she had been on base with all these weeks.

"Hello General , I'm Uh ship watching" she internally smacked herself.

"Ship watching cool that's cool" he smiled.

She smirked guess she wasn't the only one who was a bumbling idiot.

*fifteen minutes earlier*

"Ok I've divided my options into three categories, going from best to ultimate destruction"

Harvey laid out a chart onto the holomap showing his strategies to Anakin who gave his friend a dumbfounded look.

"Ok so the first one which is my best option would be to leave a note for her telling her how much I appreciated her saving my padwan even though she was completely reckless and gave me a kriffin heart attack!" He exclaimed pointing to option number one

. Anakin was now grinning from ear to ear.

"Option number two is less effective and could get me killed. I'll ask her brothers to help me put something together to surprise her, as a thank you gift. Although it has crossed my mind that they would turn that into a prank war"

"I think that's my favourite so far" Anakin mused.

"No helping! Ok and option number three, the worst of them all is...... talk to her face to face and tell her I'm grateful" he began twiddling with his thumbs.

"Ooooh that dose sound bad" Anakin rolled his eyes.

"Again not helping" Harvey pointed out going over the charts.

Anakin sighed "Harvey you thanking her not planning out a military strike, just talk to her I'm sure she'll appreciate it"

Harvey thought for a moment. "You sure this won't get me killed"?

"I'm about forty percent sure but I mean what could go wrong"?

*time skip to the present*

"So you come out here often"

he was internally screaming, he never was good at getting out his words when he needed them.

"I mean I've been here most of today so sure, do you um want o join me General"?

Harvey thought for a moment this wasn't apart of his plan, right about now he was sure he would be getting thrown off a building or run over by a speeder bike.

"Uhh sir"?

"Oh um yes I'd like that"

He made his way towards feeling the pull of the air around him, the smell of ship fumes and flowers filled the air. He slowly lowered himself down feeling his feet lay over the edge like her. He admired the landscape seeing the different species of birds fly among the ships like acrobatic. He could almost feel the fur on the back of the cat like species as the ran through the tall grass chasing after grubs. Or hear the sounds of horse like anteaters as they stampeded through the open plains.

"Is there something on your mind General"

Her voice cut through the silence like a blade. He turned his head to see her face, he noticed the cut under her eye was healing up nicely. Even the bruises the covered her right jaw was begging to fade. He looked into her brown eyes seeing the sharpness in them.

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