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Toni's POV:

Everyone just finished eating breakfast and went to change into their bathing suits. "Babe I didn't bring a bathing suit" I realized . "That's
Okay you can borrow one of mine" Cheryl said going into her closet and grabbing a two piece.

Before I could grab it she moved it away. "Babeee give me it" I said trying to grab the bathing suit. "Come get it" she said lifting the bathing suit higher in the air. "You know I can't reach that" I pouted. "How come?" She asked knowingly. "Because I'm short" I mumbled.

"What was that?" She smirked. "I said I'm short" I mumbled again. "I'm sorry I don't understand" she said her smirk only growing bigger. "I'm too short!" I shouted only receiving a laugh in return. "You're adorable" she said leaning in to kiss me but before our lips touched I turned my head so she kissed my cheek instead.

"Hey!" She said grabbing my chin softly. "I'm sorry, can I have a kiss please" she asked softly. "Nope you don't get kisses for the rest of the week" I said childishly then grabbed the bathing suit and left the room proud of my decision.

I found an empty bathroom and changed into the black bathing suit then walked back into Cheryl's room to see her trying to tie her top piece. "Baby can you help me please" she asked. I walked behind her and tied it then decided to get my revenge.

I placed both of my hands on her sides then started rubbing my hands up and down making  her gasp quietly. I hovered my lips on her ear my breath making her shudder. "You look so hot right now" I said seductively. I knew I turned her on so I got out before things could escalate.

"Toni! You can't just do that and leave!" Cheryl yelled flustered. "I just did!" I yelled back then made my way outside to the pool where everyone else was.

"Hey Toni I have a question for you" Archie said with a red cup in his hand standing next to Reggie. " Yea,Whats up?" I smiled. "Who's hotter me or him?" He asked while pointing to both of them. "Tricky question...ima have to go with...neither" I laughed which they both rolled their eyes to and walked away shaking their heads.

I looked around and noticed Cheryl was chatting with Jason and Polly. I walked over and wrapped my arm around her waist then slowly pulled her away from the conversation.

"Hi" she said with the cutest smile ever. "Hey" I smiled back. "I'm about to go swim wanna come with?" She asked. "No its ok I don't wanna have to wash my hair again it's too much work" I said which she frowned at but then that frown turned into a smirk.

"Oh no..what are you smirking about...?" I asked skeptically. "Oh nothing" she said but her smirk just grew even bigger. "Can i have a hug?" She said adorably with her arms out. "Of course you can" I smiled wrapping my arms around her neck and her arms wrapping around my waist.

"Haha!" Cheryl laughed evily as she picked me up and started walking towards the pool. "No! Cheryl!!" I screeched trying to get out her grip. "There's nothing you can do now! Accept your fate!" She said laughed before jumping into the pool.

When I swam back up I heard her laughing uncontrollably. "Stoppp I hate you" I pouted at her. "You loveee me" she teased walking up and kissing my forehead. "Hey! I said no kisses!" I pulled away.

"Hah! That's hilarious you really think you aren't going to be able to resist this" she said whipping her wet hair but it ended up smacking her in eyes. "Ow" she said rubbing her eye. "Karma bitch" I laughed. "Whatever" she rolled her eyes.

About an hour later everyone is talking, laughing and swimming around enjoying themselves. Kevin was talking to Me and fangs while Archie,Reggie, and Jason were tossing a football around and Cheryl, Polly, Veronica and Betty were playing volleyball.

"Sooo what are your plans for the next 5 days?" I asked them. "Just going to soak in as much time I have with this one as I can" kevin said giving Fangs a kiss on the cheek. "Aww" I said.

Honestly Kevin and Fangs relationship is a favorite of mine. If I wasn't dating Cheryl they would be my favorite couple. I'm really happy Fangs found someone as sweet and caring as Kevin, plus his dad is a sheriff so Fangs has no choice but to stay out of trouble.

"How's Choni doing?" Kevin asked smiling. "We're good but she dragged me into the pool today so she owes me candy" I shrugged. "Does she know that she owes you candy?" Fangs asked knowingly. "She'll find out sooner or later" I smiled.

I turned my head to look at my beautiful girlfriend smiling and laughing I'm pretty sure I was staring for too long and zoned out because Fangs had to push me to get my attention. "Tiny!" He said. "W-what?!?" I asked confused. "Stop staring at your girl and come with me, we ran out of drinks" he said before tossing me shorts and a shirt to put on.

Cheryl's POV:

Toni and Fangs left to get some drinks, while they did that Archie Jason and Reggie started making the food.The girls and Kevin of course just relaxed and enjoyed our time together.

"So Betty how are things with Ms.Veronica?" I asked her wiggling my eyebrows. Ronnie blushed and buried her face into Betty's neck. "Things are going great Cheryl" she replied with a lovesick smile and gave Veronica a peck in the lips.

"Ugh can you guys stop being adorable please" Kevin said making the couple giggle. "Anyways did you guys hear that Heather is back?" Polly said trying to start conversation. "Yeah actually we are supposed to hangout soon and catchup" I said simply. "And...is Toni aware of that..?" Veronica asked.

"Yeah of course Ronnie..I wouldn't go hang out with my EX if I didn't tell my GIRLFRIEND" I explained emphasizing the two words.

"Ok I was just making sure because you guys have something great and I don't want you screwing it up because that little whore" Veronica said anger visible on her face. "Sorry..I just don't want you hurt again" she admitted which made Me and Betty smile.

"Aw you're a lil softy" Betty said before giving her a couple kisses on her cheek. "Aah stop! You're making me miss my baby and she isn't back yet!" I confessed making Betty pull away and stick her tongue out at me.

"Polly how are things with Reggie?" Kevin asked intrigued. Reggie and Polly were Kevin's first ship to actually sail and everyday he takes credit for them. He also takes credit for Beronica and Choni but I get to take the credit for Kangs so I'll let it slide.

"Things are great, we are actually going on a road trip to California next week to look for apartments since we're going to college there next year" she explained. "I'm going to miss you guys" I frowned.

"Don't worry Cher we plan on visiting often" she reassured me with a soft smile. Just then the door bell rang. "It's probably Toni and Fangs I'll be right back" I announced before grabbing a towel and drying myself off a bit before heading towards the front door.

I swung open the door and was surprised to see who it was...




Hey guys! First off I wanna start by saying thank you for all the support you have shown so far it's honestly so appreciated! Secondly I'm so sorry for not updating sooner, I have just been busy with my family and focusing on taking care of myself.

Also I kind of lost inspiration to write so I took a break and I'm slowly but surely getting back into this. The updates won't be everyday like they used to be but I'm going to try and finish this book soon. There will be a few more chapters and it's over.

But Thank you and I love you all <3

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