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The pic above is Toni, SweetPea and Fangs house

Toni's POV:

"Tiny! Wake up!" I heard SweetPea screaming while running in to my room at 8 in the morning. "Whyyy" I groaned throwing a pillow over my head. "Remember it's spring break we gotta get to the beach before all the good spots are taken!" SweetPea spoke running out the room to get ready.

"Oh shit yea" I spoke hopping out of bed and throwing my bathing suit on with jean shorts and a baseball cap. I grabbed my bag and threw a towel, speaker, sunscreen, and a volleyball then put my camera around my neck and ran out my room to get breakfast real quick.

"Morning topaz" fangs smiled . He was wearing light purple trunks and a backwards cap. "Morning" I smiled grabbing myself a banana and granola bar. "You surfing today with us?" He asked. "Yea sure also I call dibs on choosing dinner tonight" I said pointing at him.

"what? Toni you chose last time!" He whined. "Actually You and Sweets chose last time and we had the same thing the last 2 days" I said rolling my eyes. "Y'know what I have an idea, let's make a bet" He said deviously. "Alright fine but whatever it is your going to lose Franklin" I said teasingly.

"Fine You and Jug versus Me and Sweets volleyball first to 15" he challenged. "Oh cmon now that's just unfair you know Jug can't dive for the ball if it was to save his damn life" I complained.

"Oh is that why? Or is it because you know you can't beat us?" He said smirking. "I know I can beat you and I will" I challenged. "Great" he said shaking my hand.

"Ok let's go Jugs waiting for us" SweetPea said walking in after putting our boards on the top of my Jeep. "K I'm driving" I said grabbing my stuff and walking to the car.

"Hey guys" Jughead said sitting in the back next to SweetPea. "Hey, Me and Fangs made a deal that whoever wins Volleyball gets to choose dinner tonight" I explained. "Great who am I with?" Jug asked. "Me" "yes!" He said happily.

"Looks like we are eating burgers tonight boys" Jug said to Fangs and SweetPea. "No dude we had burgers 3 days ago" SweetPea complained. "Well we had tacos yesterday and the day before I'm not eating those again" I said turning into the parking lot for the beach.

"Whatever" he said grumpy. "Oh cmon ya big baby" I said getting out of the car and grabbing my board and bag.

"Yes! We got here just in time" Fangs said running over to the small area with a volleyball net and space for our boards.

"Well I don't know about you guys but I'm going in the water we can play in a few" I said slipping my shorts off and grabbing my board.
"Last one there is a rotten egg" Jug said running to the water with Me, Fangs, and SweetPea running behind him laughing.

We have been in the water for about an hour and a half and more people were starting to arrive. "Bet I can catch that wave" I said to SweetPea pointing out the hug wave on its way.

"I'll take you on that five bucks" he said. "Bet" I said shaking his hand and then paddling towards the wave. Once I was a few feet in front of the it I turned the board around, once I felt the wave close I jumped up and rode out the wave.

Once I got near the boys I jumped off. "You owe me Pea" I said. "Yea yea" he said rolling his eyes.

Few more hours later and the beach was pretty much pact so we decided to get out and play volleyball.

"Y'all are going down" I said getting on my side of the net. "Yea ok less talk and more play" Fangs said getting in position.

Jug served the ball and it went over the net to fangs who hit it towards SweatPea, Sweets set it up and Fangs spiked it. I dived and hit it back up right before it touch the ground and jug hit it over scoring us a point.

"Yes!" I said high-fiving Jug. "That was lucky" Fangs said. "Mhm what ever helps you sleep at night" I said.

We played for another good 10 minutes and decided to take a break the score right now was 10-9 Me and Jug were in the lead.

"Ok I'm starving, come with me Fangs so we can get some pizza real quick" I said. "Ok let's go" he said standing up and we started heading towards the boardwalk.

"God I want a boyfriend so bad" fangs said sadly. "It's ok bubba I'll help you get one" I said calling him the nickname I made in 3 grade. "I might need to hire a different wingwoman because you haven't gotten me any dates yet" he said teasingly.

"Uhm excuse me if I don't think anyone's good enough for you" I said defensively. "Sweet but if you don't find me a man soon i might have to try dating apps and you know how terrible those things turn you into. I mean just look at Sweets and Jug" he said shaking his head making me laugh. "Yea that wouldn't be ideal" I spoke while we arrived at the counter.

"1 large cheese,pepperoni and sausage pizza please" I said to the cashier. "Ok that will be 25 bucks " he said and fangs handed him his card to pay. "Your food will be done in 10 minutes" he smiled handing fangs back his card.

"Thank you" I smiled and we went and sat at a bench waiting for the food to be ready. "What about you tones? You looking for someone?" He asked.

"Well you already know what happend with..." "yea I know but it's been a year and she broke your heart T" he said sympathetically. "I know I'm just scared" "scared of what?" "Getting my heart broken again..." "well don't worry Toni who ever you decide to give your heart to next won't hurt you..i won't let them" fangs said putting his arm around my shoulder and pulling me into a hug. We talked a bit more about SweetPea and his terrible love life while waiting.

"Pizzas Ready!" We heard the cashier yell. We grabbed the pizza boxes and started making our way to the beach to find Jug and Pea talking to 2 red headed boys.

"Hey guys this is Archie and Jason they asked if they can play with us" Jug explained. Archie was smiling at us kindly while Jason was eyeing me and biting his lip.

"Yea sure" I smiled putting the boxes down.

"Great actually we are here with some other friends right now do you guys mind if we invite them over and do a huge match?" Archie asked.

"Hell yeah that sounds fun" I said. "Great I'll get them right now" He said running over to a group of teenagers.

This should be fun

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