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Toni's POV:

I opened my eyes to the sight of an empty dark room. I looked down and saw my arms tied up in a chair, I started panicking and moving around frantically trying to get out. Wait.

Cheryl. Where's Cheryl? Is she okay? Did someone hurt her? What the hell happened?! Why am I here?!? How did I get here?!?Those thoughts kept going through my mind as I tried to get out of this chair.

After many attempts of trying to wiggle my way out I quit and just sat there waiting for something or someone to come help me. My eyelids felt heavier and heavier until I found myself falling into a deep sleep.

Hours later I woke up to the sound of whimpering. My eyes quickly opened and just as I sat up the little light bulb in the room lit up and I saw a man wearing all black holding Cheryl while she had bruises all over her legs and arms with her mouth and hands tied up.

When she saw me her eyes lit up in relief but also worry. I tried to get up and get to her but the ropes on my arms and legs prevented me from doing anything. The man then pulled out a knife and put it up to her neck.

I started screaming and panicking. This can't be happening, I'm finally happy for once in my goddamn life and that's about to be taken away from me. I saw Cheryl starting to cry scared for her life as she looked into my eyes like it was the last time she would.

In less then a second the man slit her throat she dropped to her knees and laid there lifelessly in a pool of her own blood. I started screaming even louder my vision getting blurry from the amount of tears in my eyes. I started thrashing left to right in the chair trying to get out and help my baby.

The man started making his way towards me. He pulled his arm back ready to stab me until I heard a voice call my name.

"Toni?" Toni wake up" "TT" Cheryl whispered shaking my shoulder. I shot up breathing heavily a layer of sweat visible. "Hey it's ok breathe" Cheryl said softly rubbing my back trying to calm me down.

I jumped on her and engulfed her into a hug scared that if I let go she would disappear. She hugged me back and we stayed there for a while holding each other.

"You wanna tell me what happened?" She asked while pulling away and moving a strand of my hair out of my face. "Uhm I-I was in this small room tied up in a chair f- for hours and then a man with a knife came in but h-he had y-you next to him a-and you were all bruised u-up and crying..." I said my eyes starting to water while she comforted me.  "H-he killed you in front of m-me and I couldn't h-help you" I said hugging her tightly again while she whispered sweet nothings in my ear calming me down.

"Here ya go T" Veronica said softly handing me a glass of water. "Thank you" I said softly before chugging the water down and cuddling back into Cheryl's chest. "Do you wanna do anything today or stay in?" Cheryl asked while running her fingers through my hair.

"I'm fine with either I just wanna be with you" I replied. "Guys breakfast is ready!" Jason said to us through the doorframe. "Be there in a minute JJ" Cheryl replied with a smile.

"Let's go" she said trying to get up. "No" I replied keeping her down. "But TT I'm hungry" she whined. "I wanna cuddle more" I said looking up at her with my bottom lip out and puppy eyes. "You're adorable" she said before pulling me into a deep and long kiss. When we pulled away she pushed me off her quickly and ran.

I sighed sadly and dragged myself out the theatre room and towards the kitchen. "Look who decided to join us" Kevin said laughing at my eye roll. Everyone was sitting at the table eating their food and I'm not really in the mood to eat after my nightmare soI made my way to Cheryl's chair and straddled her waist then dug my head into her neck and hugged her.

"Awww" I heard Betty say."who would've thought she was so clingy?" Reggie joked. "Good luck Cheryl I had to deal with her ass for years" Fangs complained earning laughs from the table including Cheryl.

"Thanks Fangs...Baby are you ok?" Cheryl whispered in my ear. I just nodded into her neck and tuned into everyone's conversation.
"So Jason how are things with McCoy?" Veronica asked him. "It's alright I guess" he shrugged. "Something wrong?" Cheryl asked him with one arm wrapped around my back. "Yea just her mom doesn't really like me.." he said disappointingly.

"Well I'm not surprised..mayor McCoy has always been quite difficult" Polly said. "Yea um can we switch..the subject please?" Jason asked. "Im thinking we have a pool day" Archie purposed after a couple moments of silence. "Ooh yea that would be fun" Veronica said. After that I zoned out of their conversation and started kissing Cheryl's neck.

"Baby not right now you need to eat" she said. "Yea that's what I'm trying to do" I smirked continuing to suck on her neck. "Woah! Not at the table please!" Fangs said blocking his eyes with his hand. "I wanted to see!" Kevin said sadly.

"You guys are so annoying" Cheryl said getting up and sitting me in her seat. "Eat" she said kissing my cheek and walking to the sink to clean her dish. I grabbed a pancake and started eating.

Today should be fun.


Sorry it's kinda short but there is going to be a few more chapters until this book is finished!

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