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Trio's house
Toni's POV:

I woke up today feeling happier than usual. Cheryl is finally mine and I'm the luckiest girl in the world. I looked down to see her sleeping peacefully on my chest while her legs were tangled into mine.

I didn't want to move so I decided to stay and cuddle her till she woke up. After five minutes her eyes started to open and a small smile was placed on her face.

"Good morning princess" I said kissing her cheek. "Morning" she replied. Even the way she says 'morning' is fucking adorable.

"When do you have to go back to New York?" I asked. "In four days" she replied digging her head into the crook of my neck. "I don't want you to leave" I said sadly while tightening the grip of my arms around her.

"I don't want me to leave either.." she said. "How are we going to make this work?" She added worried. "What do you mean?" I asked confused. She lifted her head and looked at me.

"I don't wanna lose you TT... but we live sixteen hours away from each other" she said tears starting to fill her eyes.

"Hey, your not going to lose me..we can make distance work babe, plus whenever I can I'll come visit you in Riverdale and you can come here whenever you want" I said wiping the tear off her cheek with the pad of my thumb.

"Ok" she said before pecking my lips. "Cmon I'm going to make you breakfast" I said before we got out of bed and went to the kitchen.

"So Chef Topaz what are you making today?" She asked hopping on the counter. "Blueberry pancakes sound good?" I asked. She nodded eagerly and I started making the pancakes.

"Good morning ladies" SweetPea greeted us. "Morning" Cheryl said smiling. "Tiny are you making blueberry pancakes?!?" SweetPea asked like a little kid. "Yes I am" I replied laughing at him doing a victory dance.

"Baby do you guys have coffee?" Cher asked cutely. "Yea it's in the second cabinet" I said blushing at the nickname she used. "Mkay" she said hopping off the counter than started making the coffee.

"Baby?" SweetPea asked before his eyes widened and a huge grin was plastered on his face. "No way! Are you guys official!?!" He asked excited.

"Yes we are" Cheryl said smiling proudly. "Yes!Tiny got the girl!!" He screamed. "I have to tell fangs" he said before running down the hall into fangs room.

"Oh my god" I said laughing and shaking my head. "Aww he was so happy" Cher said hopping back on the counter after finishing the coffee. "Just wait for it" I said.

5 seconds later Fangs ran in with his messy bed hair. "Is it true?!?" He asked. We both nodded and SweetPea and Fangs started jumping around and singing "TINY GOT THE GIRL TINY GOT THE GIRL!".

Cheryl's POV:

I was laughing at their chaotic behavior while Toni finished the breakfast. "Holy shit and she made pancakes?!? BEST MORNING EVER!!" Fangs screamed running over and grabbing a plate and holding it in front of Toni with a eager smile. He looked like a little kid asking for candy during Halloween.

"Here you go weirdo" Toni said putting two pancakes on the plate. "Thanks" he said giving her a kiss on the head and coming over to grab some coffee.

Just then I got a phone call. "Oh great my mom's calling me.." I said grabbing my phone and answering it.

"Hey mom!" I said happily.
"Morning Cheryl I was just calling to check on how you were doing" she said nicely.
I was about to reply when Toni came up to me and wrapped her arms around my waist and started kissing my neck.
"Mmm I'm doing good mom" I said while Toni found my sweet spot.
"How are your cousins?" She asked.
"They're g-good mmm momm" I said trying not to moan into the phone.
"Are you feeling alright Cheryl? you seem out of breath" My mom asked concerned.
"Y-yea yea I'm mm feeling great...this feelss soo great" I replied. I could feel Toni smirking.
"Ok honey have fun we will be there Sunday morning" she said.
"o-ok mom bye" I said before hanging up the phone and Toni pulled back.

"I hate you so much" I said to her while she laughed. "Sorry I had to..you look so hot in the morning" she shrugged before giving me a short but sweet kiss on the lips and grabbing my hand and leading me to the dining table.

"Damn Tiny what did you do to her neck?!?" SweetPea asked laughing. "I couldn't help myself I'm sorry.." she said looking at me apologetically. "It's ok baby I'll just cover it with makeup" I said before giving her a kiss on her cheek and started eating breakfast.

"You guys are so cute" Fangs said smiling. "Thank you Fangs" I said to smiling back.

Jason's POV:

I had the perfect plan to make Toni mine and all I had to do was make sure that no one can get in my way, so imagine my surprise when I found out my sister wasn't at home all night and she was supposedly 'at the parents house' according to Kevin, Archie and Reggie.

So being the protective brother I am I called my mom to see if Cheryl was actually with her.

"Hello?" She answered.
"Hey mom did Cheryl stay over at your house last night?" I asked her.
"No honey, why? Is she ok?" My asked worried.
"No I haven't seen her since yesterday afternoon can you call her and check if she's alright? She ain't picking up the phone for me" I asked sweetly.
"Yea honey I'll call her right now" my mom said.
"Okay thank you mom" I said before hanging up.

So they thought that they could lie to me? Ok let's see what they say now. I stormed downstairs to find everyone on the couch.

"Where is Cheryl? Because I know that she isn't at my moms right now!" I screamed. The girls looked confused while the boys were avoiding eye contact. "Tell me right the fuck now!" I screamed.

"Jason calm down" Betty said slowly walking towards me. "We don't know where she is, okay? Relax." Betty said placing her hand on my shoulder  trying to calm me down but it only made me madder.

"Don't tell me to fucking calm down! Where is she?!?" I asked pushing Betty to the ground. "Jason what the hell?!?" Veronica screamed running over to Betty and holding her protectively. "Fucking lesbos" I spat at them.

"Excuse me?!?" Veronica said. "You heard me" I said. Before I knew it her fist met my face and I started bleeding through my nose.

"Disrespect me or anyone like that again and I'll do worse" she threatened. I'm not going to punch or hit her back because right now I'm focused on Cheryl.

She's with Toni isn't she?" I said scoffing. Reggie, Archie and Kevin all looked at each other with wide eyes.

"Fuck you" I said before grabbing my keys and running out the house to my car and headed towards Toni's house.

I'm not a creep i was just making sure she got home safely so I followed her... I was protecting her. Also since I'm going to be her boyfriend soon I might as well have her address saved Incase, And boy am I glad I did.

Once I got there I jumped out the car and ran up the stairs. I banged on the door and soon the door opened revealing my sister with a scared expression on her face.

"Missed me?"


Don't know why it took me longer to write this than the other ones 🤷🏽‍♀️

Also be free to leave your season 5 theories because I wanna know what you guys think might happen next season 😌❤️

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