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1 week later
Toni's POV:

I woke up at 3 In the morning to my alarm. Today is the day Me and Fangs hit the road towards Riverdale. SweetPea can't come because he has work so it'll just be us.

I got up and threw something comfortable on then grabbed my suitcase that I packed last night and made my way to the living room where Fangs was supposed to be waiting but instead fell back to sleep.

"Fangs..Dude!" I said shaking his shoulder. "You ready?" I asked him which he tiredly nodded in response. "Why do we have to leave so early" he groaned. "Well if you wanna see your boyfriend today then I suggest you get up, plus I'll be driving first so you can nap if you want" I said and he lazily got off the couch.

"First I need coffee because if not then I'll fall asleep on the wheel" I said before he threw himself back on the couch and I went to the kitchen and started making coffee. While I was finishing my coffee I was scrolling through Instagram when I saw Cheryl was active. Why is she awake at three in the morning though?

Baby💙🥰- Hey, can't sleep? ❤️

Princesa❤️💍- No :(

Baby💙🥰- what's wrong?

Princesa❤️💍- Nightmares 🥺

Baby💙🥰- aw baby I'm sorry I really wish I was there to help you :(

Princesa❤️💍- I wish you were here too...why are you up?

Baby💙🥰- I had this thing at work and I got home an hour ago

Princesa❤️💍- oh ok

Baby💙🥰- Want me to call you so I can talk to you while your try and go back to sleep? 🙂

Princesa❤️💍- I love you and yes 🥰

Baby💙🥰- Love you too❤️❤️

I opened my contacts to Cheryl and called her which she answered quickly.

"Hey" I spoke. "Hi" she said in a sleepy voice that was beyond adorable. "How was work?" She asked. "Good, it would've been better if it didn't last so long though" I lied. I hate lying to her but I can't ruin the surprise.

"Can you tell me a story?" She asked. "Sure babe" I replied. "When Me and Fangs were 7 years old we used to play at the park
near our old neighborhood almost everyday, we basically owned it and every kid knew that but one day we were on the swings when we saw a mean girl that was probably 9 pushing people around and guarding stuff like she owned it so being the daredevil I am I went up to her and told her that this was our playground and that she couldn't go on certain things and mess with our friends" I explained.

"She said that she was older than me therefore I couldn't tell her what to do and that made me mad so I ran back to fangs and we made a plan to get her away from our park,Fangs went over to her and distracted her while I snuck up behind her and pulled down her pants in front of everyone" I said making Cheryl laugh.

"Oh my god you guys were evil!" She said through laughter. "That bitch thought she could be on my monkey bars she deserved it" I said.

"So if little Cheryl was there you would do the same to me if I went against your wishes?" She asked curiously.

"Definitely" I laughed. "Wow seven year old me would beat seven year old you's ass" She said. "Oh please I had an army" I said scoffing. "Army? Like who?" She scoffed back.

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