Chapter Nineteen

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          The next morning, they all decided to cut their trip short and return to the main land. No one put it past Jonathan to follow through on his threats. The best way to protect Joshua was to get his identity as a Joong citizen established. Then he would have the protection of the Joong government. No amount of Jonathan's money would be able to touch him.

          Silka  and Leavac returned to the enclave and Joshua and Larcin returned to the hotel where they had previously lived . They still had a lot of clothing and other things they needed to collect . It would only be for the 1 night and in the morning they planned to find different accommodations.  Joshua wouldn't be allowed to enter the enclave until his citizenship was established.  

         They spent a couple of hours of packing,  only stopping to go out to eat.  It was early when they decided to retire for the night. Joshua stripped naked leaving his clothes in a pile on the floor, and slipped into bed.  

          "Do you always sleep like that?" Larcin inquired.

          "I do now," Joshua informed him.  He patted the bed beside him. "Don't worry. I'll only molest you a little.  I haven't quite recovered from last night." Blushing furiously, Larcin stripped off his own clothes and, folding them neatly, set them on the bench at the foot of the bed. Joining Joshua under the covers, he snuggled up against his side. Half his body covered Joshua's with his head on Joshua's chest.

          "Is this the way we will be sleeping from now on?" Joshua inquired.

          "Yes. I like sleeping on top of you." That statement made Joshua chuckle.

          "Yes, you are my top," Joshua whispered to him.


          "I'll explain it in the morning." Joshua winced a little squirming around to get comfortable under Larcin's weight.

          "Still hurting?"

          "Not much. Just have to be careful how I sit." Joshua took Larcin's chin in his fingers and tilted his head up so he could kiss him. It started out to be just a soft kiss goodnight but rapidly became more. Joshua couldn't get enough of the sweet taste of Larcin's mouth. He could feel Larcin's cock twitching to life against his leg. His own dick was showing signs of life too.

          "Want me to do something with that?" Joshua ran him hand seductively down Larcin's side to his hip. He got a resounding slap on the chest for his effort.

          "Cut that out, put the earpiece from your comm in your ear and go to sleep. You need to learn our language if you want to get integrated into our society quickly. The next kiss you ask for better be in our native language or no deal."

          "So fierce!" Joshua teased as he complied with Larcin's commands. Soon they were both asleep in the comfort of each other's arms.

          The next morning they were rudely awaken by rough hands dragging them apart and out of the bed. There were five intruders. One they recognized as the hotel manager. The other four were dressed in the uniform of Casentell local police force. Two were restraining Joshua and the other two had a hold of Larcin.

          "Don't harm the blonde one" The manager told the two officers holding Joshua. "He's the one we're here to rescue."

           "What the Janx are you talking about. Let us go." Joshua yelled at the manager, fighting against the men holding him. Larcin was struggling too but they were both at a distinct disadvantage being totally naked and vulnerable.

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