Chapter Five

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This chapter has a lot of information that is necessary for the rest of the story to move forward.  Its a bit of history and back story. I've tried to make it as interesting as possible so bear with me.  There is a special gift for all of you who make it to the end.  ;}   No cheating and skipping to the "good" part.  There will be a quiz at the end to see if you have been paying attention {HAHAHA}.


          After seeing Joshua settled in at their hotel, Jonathan had to leave for an important meeting. Before he left, he did manage to get Joshua to give his word not to leave the hotel. Even with Joshua's word Jonathan made sure there was someone watching the hotel room with instructions to comm him if Joshua stepped foot outside.

          Joshua had no plans to leave right away. He spent the day scouring the information systems, searching for anything he could about Joong and its inhabitants. Considering the vital role these people played in the advancement of all the known civilizations, there was little factual information he could find. He was already aware of their single most crucial contribution; the invention of the Lextion stardrive.

           Before the Lextion stardrive was introduced to the universe , space travel outside of one's own solar system was deemed impractical by most races. The hundreds of years it would take to travel from one star system to another made the idea of interstellar exploration unrealistic. The galaxies teamed with intelligent life, all unaware of each other because they lacked the means to make contact.

          The Lextion stardrive changed all of that. The drive used a form of inter-dimensional force to punch holes through the voids that separated worlds, taking starships just moments to travel from one side of the galaxy to another. Only through the use of this drive were the other technically advanced civilizations able to make contact with each other through the infinite voids that separated them.

          It was beyond revolutionary.

         Joshua remembered what he had learned from his history lessons in school of the first time a Joong spaceship had appeared in the skies over the planet Earth. Though the Joong people were physically identical to the people of earth, they were still an alien race. Some of them already spoke the common Earth language, but among themselves they spoke a different language, had different customs. There was fear and chaos everywhere.

         It took time for the Joongs to convince the governments of Earth of their peaceful intentions. Their main offer of good will was the detailed specifications for building the Lextion stardrive that powered their ship.

         They didn't sell the technology; they gave it away freely.

         They also let the governments of Earth know that this was not the only planet they were in contact with and that these other planets would also be given free access to their technology. It was their hope that this would foster a new age of peace and understanding between all alien races.

          There was only one hitch to this generous offer. Any of the races who used this technology were able to pilot these ships within their own solar systems but without a Joong navigator at the helm, it was impossible to use the interstellar capabilities of the drive. The warp drive refused to activate for anyone but a member of the Joong race. Even after hundreds of years of research on thousands of planets, no one had been able to uncover the secret of the Lextion drive. That forced them to contract with the Joong government to hire navigators for all interstellar flights.

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