Chapter Fifteen

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          Warning  18+  Adult content   This chapter ends with our men take their relationship to the  inevitable next level.  Highly graphic.  


          The four went to dinner at a quiet restaurant near the hotel. While they ate they browsed listing of vacation getaway locations. They finally decided on a small private island located near the planet's equator. The main living accommodation consisted of a central bungalow with wings on either side for sleeping. Sandy beaches and crystal clear water invited the visitors to enjoy Casentell's abundant aquatic life.

          Joshua took charge of making all the arrangements for the rental. Once the rental agency learned who he was they were falling all over themselves to please him. Larcin had experienced this first hand earlier but to Silka and Leavac it was an eye opener. It was starting to sink in what a big deal Joshua was in the world outside the enclave. Joshua had everyone picked out amenity packages they thought they'd like to try. He soon had everything arranged to his satisfaction. He tried to keep Larcin from seeing the total cost but was unsuccessfully.

          "You are spending way too much. We don't need all that,," Larcin groused. Silka and Leavac were quick to disagree. They were eager for this trip.

          "This is our first trip as a family," Joshua told him. " I want everyone to have fun. Let me splurge a little. We can afford it."

          Joshua wasn't trying to flaunt his wealth. He wanted this trip to be a success.  More than that, he needed this trip. Needed a diversion to keep his mind from dwelling on all the questions raised about his parents. The sorrow and anger he felt trying to overpower his emotions.  He worked hard to keep those feeling to himself. He didn't want to put a damper on the excitement around him.

          The plan was to arrive there by noon the next day and stay for six days. Larcin and Silka were still on extended leave but Leavac would have to return home soon. The new term at her childcare center would be starting and she had to be there for work.

          After dinner Joshua and Larcin returned to their hotel to prepare for the trip while Leavac and Silka returned to the enclave. They were all excited for their first trip as a family.

          At the hotel, Joshua began to sort through his clothes trying to decide what to take with him for the week. He made a list of things he thought he might need he didn't already have. He figured he'd just order them and have them delivered to the island. When Larcin commed Silka a list of things to pick up for him, Silka reminded him about his monitor.

          "I have to go back to the enclave for a little while," Larcin informed Joshua. He held up his wrist. "Need to get this taken care of before we leave."

          "Do you really have to go? We're going to be on a secluded private island. What danger could there be?"

          "It's regulations. We can't be outside the enclave without it. You wouldn't want me to end up in jail, would you?"

          "Definitely not. If you were in jail, I couldn't do this." Joshua slipped his arm around Larcin's waist and pulled him into a deep kiss. At first Larcin stiffen, taken off guard. His face heated up with his blush. As the kiss continued, he melted into the it, wrapping his arms around Joshua's waist and hugging him tightly.

          "I really have to go," Larcin told him when they finally came up for breath. "Hold that thought and I'll be right back."

          When he got back to the enclave, Larcin first reported to the main security building. He advised the security office in charge that he was planning an extended trip outside. Since Silka and Leavac had already come by they were aware of Larcin's plans. They decided that the monitor he presently wore would not be sufficient for the distance they would be traveling and insisted on changing it out for a more powerful model. The procedure was painless but it was time consuming. Since he was already there, he decided to run by his apartment and pick up the things he wanted to take with him, saving Silka the trouble.

          His trip took much longer than he planned. It was quiet in the hotel room when he let himself in. Checking the bedroom he could hear water running in the bathing room. He could only assume Joshua was taking a shower.

          Larcin could feel his face heating up as he debated with himself what to do. Desire won and he stripped off his clothing and quietly slipped into the bathing room to join his other in the shower.

            Steam billowed from the shower area but Larcin had a clear view. It was the first time he was seeing Joshua full naked. He couldn't keep his eyes from feasting on the sheer beauty before him. The way the water cascaded over him emphasized the well-defined muscles of his shoulders and back, following over the smooth, taut mound of his ass. His skin took on a reddish glowed from the heat of the water.  A living work of art standing in front of his.  A feast just waiting for him to bite into. 

          Joshua had his back to the door. He was not aware of Larcin entering the room until a pair of arms wrapped themselves around his middle and began to caress his chest. A now family mouth began to nibble the side of his neck. He leaned back against Larcin, his ass encountering his other's already hardened cock. He slowly moved his hips from side to side, grinding his ass against Larcin's groin. His hands slid behind them. Grabbing handfuls of Larcin's ass, he pulled him closer, increasing the friction between them.

          Larcin's teeth lightly bit into thick muscles of Joshua's shoulder, his moan of pleasure vibrating the skin there. Joshua responded with a moan of is own.  Larcin's hands traveled down Joshua's soap slick torso to his now erect manhood. That member quivered in his hands as he stroked it. He lost hold of it when Joshua turned in his arms and latched onto his mouth in a fiery kiss.

           Joshua used his whole body to shove Larcin against the shower wall with a feverish kiss. Pinning Larcin's hands to the wall, Joshua proceeded to devour him.  His mouth sucked at soft pale skin of Larcin's neck, leaving a trail of red as they traveled down to his chest.  He suckled on Larcin's rock hard nipples, groaning as the heat from those points seared his lips. 

           Larcin was helpless to do anything but moan out his pleasure. Any will to resist vanished, overwhelmed by the waves of pleasure Joshua's mouth sent rippling through his body.  Those moans were stifled as Joshua's mouth returned to his.  Mouths melded.  Soapy bodies grinding together as one, their throbbing cocks rubbed against each other in the steamy heat between them. They both erupted. The intensity of it left them desperately clinging to each other, quivering and breathing heavily.

          It was a long time before either of them could think to call off the water. They dried each other off, exchanging smiles and caresses but no words. When they were sufficiently dry, Joshua picked up Larcin bridal style to carried him into the bedroom. Larcin didn't protest, contently resting in Joshua's arms with his arms around his neck. Depositing him gently on the bed, Joshua climbed in beside him. Larcin cuddled up against Joshua. His body covered half of Joshua's and his head rested comfortably on Joshua's broad chest. Joshua's arms wrapped around him in a gentle hug.

"This is where I belong," Larcin thought as he fell asleep in Joshua's warm embrace.   

A/N  What can I say.  The boys are hot for each other.  Hope you enjoyed that as much as they did ;).  

If you did how about leaving a comment or give them a vote.  I know I would appreciate it.  

Until next time, all of you stay safe and be healthy.

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