Chapter Twelve

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Warning   18+   This chapter will contain graphic descriptions of physical intimacy.  If you are not comfortable with this feel free to skip the last part of this chapter.  The first part is to continue the growth of our story.  The latter part I felt necessary to enhance the emotional growth of our main couple.


          "Finally!" Silka answered Larcin's call on the first chime. "Do you know how worried Leavac and I were? Where are you guys? Is Joshua OK?"

          "He's about as well as could be expected. He's sleeping." Larcin gave Silka the address of their hotel and the room number. He let him know they would be staying there a few days.

          "Can you bring me some clothes and maybe pick up some things for Joshua to wear. He won't fit in anything either of us own. He can't go back to his place, not right now. Not with that man there."

          "Sure. We'll be over in the morning. But let me tell you. Leavac thinks the woman in that photo might be her Aunt."

          "Her Aunt! I didn't think she had any aunts, just one uncle."

          "Right, me either but she remembers her mother mentioning a few times that she once had a twin sister. The aunt and her other were both navigators. They died in some freak accident long before Leavac was born. She doesn't know too many details. Apparently, no one in the family wanted to talk about it much."

          "Maybe finding Joshua's real family will be easier than we thought. That would be great."

          "She's going to try and call her parents tomorrow. In the meantime, we can get Joshua's DNA tested against Leavac's. That would show if they are related."

          Larcin was elated when he finally disconnected from the call. He went into Joshua's room to check on him before turning in himself.

          Joshua was sleeping restlessly, tossing and turning on the bed. At some point he had taken off his jacket and shirt and thrown them to the floor. He looked so vulnerable, so alone, laying there half naked. Larcin changed his decision to sleep in the other room. He removed his shoes and quietly slipped into the bed next to his other.

          Careful not to wake him, Larcin gathered Joshua into his arms. Joshua snuggled up against him in his sleep resting his head on Larcin's chest. Larcin stroked the bare skin of Joshua's back. The softness of his skin contrast sharply with the hard muscles underneath. Would the rest of his body feel like this? He began to imagine how it would feel laying naked against this man, those full lips pressing against more than just his mouth. The heat generated where Joshua's body was pressed against his caused Larcin's desire to rise.

          "Whoa there boy." Larcin thought to himself. "Cool those thoughts before something really embarrassing arises." He was already half hard.  He placed a small kiss on Joshua's forehead before settling down to sleep.

          In the morning Joshua woke to find Larcin sleeping in his arms. Sometime during the night, they had switched positions and now Larcin's head rested on his bare chest, his arms encircling him, their legs entwined. He was surprised but not unhappy. He could have lain there for the rest of his life if he didn't have to urgently visit the bathing room. He was trying to figure out how to get up without waking him when Larcin opened his eyes. Joshua felt like he was drowning in those beautiful green orbs.

          "I'm sorry" Larcin said as he started to get up. His pale cheeks flushed pink. "I planned to sleep in the other room but you were having such a hard time sleeping I just......."

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