Chapter Twenty Nine

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           Larcin spent two more days in the hospital before he discharged himself. His doctors wanted him to stay longer but he couldn't lay around while Joshua was still missing. The pain in his heart trumped the pain in his ribs.

          Going back to their empty apartment was agony. If his mother and sister hadn't been with him it would have drove him crazy. Joshua's presence was everywhere. Larcin would catch himself turning and expecting to see Joshua sitting on the couch going over piles of business reports, standing in the kitchen, a drink in his hand, asking if Larcin wanting anything. He was there but not there. Essa and Kahlah tried to console him but fear and worry consumed him.

          That night Larcin made himself comfortable on the couch, telling his mom and sister to take the bedroom. Essa argued that Larcin needed the bed more than they did but the forlorn look on her son's face quieted her protest. Sleep would be hard enough without being in that cold, lonely bed. It was too much for him to face.

          Waking up in the middle of the night, Essa went out to check on her son. She found him sitting on the edge of the couch with his face buried in his hands.  She sat next to him on the couch, wrapping him in a motherly embrace.  

          "It'll be alright, Son.  He'll be found soon," Essa reassured her son. 

          "It's all my fault Mom. I let what other people thought make me question our relationship. Now I'm going to lose him."

          "I'm sorry if I was part of that. You know I wasn't happy about your pairing at first. I knew you'd be in for a hard time. No mother wants to see her child go through that if it could be helped. Seeing the love grow between the two of you changed my mind. How could I not welcome the man who obviously loved my son so much and you loved in return."

          "I never even told him I loved him. I don't think I realized it until the night he was taken."

          "The words aren't as important as some people think. I saw it, the love you two shared. It was in every touch, every look, every laugh. I'm sure Joshua knows how you feel and I'm sure he feels the same way. He'll be back and you can tell each other that for the rest of your lives."

          Essa settled him back down on the couch, tucking a blanket around him like she used to when he was little.

           "Get some sleep, honey. Things will be better in the morning."  

          Essa was half right. The next morning, Commander Klum come to Larcin's apartment.  She let them know that Jonathan Moore had finally been apprehended.

          "Some of his cronies decided it was in their best interest to turn him in," she told them. "Nothing he was paying them came near what they were losing with the navigator embargo." Larcin and his family were elated by the news only to be devastated anew as Commander Klum continued. "Unfortunately, Joshua wasn't with him and Mr. Moore is refusing to divulge his whereabouts."

          Larcin went into a rage, cursing and stomping around the room. He language was so bad Essa tried to cover Kahlah's ears while Kahlan was fighting to hear every word, making mental notes for later.

          "Let me into the detention center," Larcin growled. "I'll get it out of him."

          While Essa and Kahlan restrained Larcin from leaving, Bundah got an urgent comm. She moved to the far side of the room to take the call. With a look of astonishment, she returned to the three arguing at the door. She grabbed Larcin by the arm, turning him to her.

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