Chapter Seventeen

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           As they ate breakfast the group decided to take a hike around the island. It wasn't a very large island. Silka calculated it would take less than a day to make the round trip. According to the map the agent left them, it had many points of interest to explore, waterfalls, cave formations, and secluded coves. The agent had assured them that the island was free of any dangerous lifeforms so they were free to wander anywhere they pleased.

          Joshua was excited. He spent all of his life confined to modern city environs. Growing up, the closest he had ever come to a tree or blade grass were school trips to botanical gardens. Even then, all of the natural elements were secured behind glass, untouchable.

            Larcin was in the bedroom changing into fresh clothes when Joshua entered carrying a bottle of lotion.

           "Leavac gave me this. It's some kind of sun protectant. She said I was to make sure every inch of your delicate skin was covered with it before we go out in the sun."

           "You know the shower has a function to dispense that. Doing it by hand isn't necessary."

          "Are you inviting me to take another shower with you? Leavac says my sheltered city boy skin needs protecting too." Joshua asked with a not so innocent glint to his eyes.

           "Never mind. You can get the places I can't reach and I'll get the rest."

          "Look at that," Joshua told him as he messaged the lotion onto Larcin's back. "You're turning red and we haven't even gone out in the sun yet."

           Finally, having sufficiently slathered each other with lotion and gotten dressed, the pair joined Silka and Leavac on the front porch of the bungalow. They set off, following some well-established paths. Often, at Joshua's insistence, they would veer off into the thicker vegetation around them to explore. Joshua was like a little kid running in and out of the trees and bushes. The other three were a bit less excited about the wonders around them. They had all grown up in rural areas of Joong where nature hikes like this were common place. Still, the abundance of unusual flora and small animals kept every one entertained.  

          Just after midday they reached a beautiful cove their map indicted was the halfway point of their circle of the island. They decided this would be the perfect place to take a break for lunch. Other than the water they had carried with them, no one had eaten since breakfast. Leavac commed a delivery service and had a catered picnic delivered where they were.

          The sun was starting to set by the time they reached the bungalow. Leavac had commed ahead and dinner was waiting for them when they arrived.

          Dinner wasn't the only thing waiting for them.

          An unknown transport was sitting on the landing pad a few yards from the bungalow. Joshua was shocked to see Jonathan getting out of the transport. He was the last person he expected or even wanted to see. Joshua stepped in front of the rest, intercepting Jonathan before he could reach the house.

          "What the fuck are you doing here?" Joshua's whole persona changed in an instance;  anger coated with ice.  Larcin was shocked by Joshua's sudden change in demeanor, at how cold he had become. It was the first time he was seeing this side of his other and he was glad it wasn't directed at him. Joshua was still reeling from the recent revelations about his parents. He had done a good job of hiding it so far, not wanting to put a damper on everyone else 's fun, but it was still there. This was not a good time for Jonathan to show up.

          "So, is this where you've been hiding out for the past week?" Jonathan chose to ignore Joshua's tone and attitude. "Looks like you've been having fun. Care to introduce me to your friends?"

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