*Having a slight lovers quarrel over the popcorn

*Finally coming to a decision that we share the bowl

*Get mad at the couple's scene where they are making out in the killer's den

*Y/n tries to calm me down

*Take Y/n to the bathroom and have an angry make out session

[This is me cringing at everything I just wrote because my asexuality has really kicked me in the butt for typing this!]

In the mind of Jason:

Hmm... Maybe I should check up on Camp Crystal Lake? Visit Mother. Kill some people. It's a beautiful day so why waste it. Time to go get Michael to teleport me... And hopefully come to pick me back up since I got a phone about a week ago.

Oh, wait. Does it connect to social media without wifi? What is wifi? Why do I even have a phone? The only person I'd be able to call is Y/n and Michael... Maybe Y/n's Mom. Nobody at work will ever talk to me. Well that doesn't make sense.

"Hey... Can you take me to Crystal Lake?"

I asked Michael. Michael only glanced at me sideways before standing up from the couch and walking towards me. Placing a hand on my shoulder I was suddenly transported to the edge of the lake near the woods. Michael then sighed.

"I will be back at 10 tonight. At this very spot. No sooner, and no later okay. So hurry up finishing your business."

It must be a bad day for him... Better finish my business, then! I walked over to the small shack. Heading inside to see the shrunken head of my Mother. She looked so peaceful just sitting there... She must have missed me. I can see it on those ever so distraught features of hers yet she remains so calm.

"Hi... Mother... I-I'm sorry for leaving home for so long."


There was only silence on the other end. What did I really expect, she is a shrunken head... Maybe If... No. I haven't been able to hear her voice anymore since I left Crystal Lake to join Y/n. My new Mom.

"I know, that you must be disappointed that I haven't come to visit you much Mother. But I'm my own Man now..."


Her silence... It's the one thing I couldn't stand. So suffocatingly painful that if it were to drag out I'm sure someone would go crazy. Was this really how I was living before Mom?

"Why!? Why Mother?... Do you hate me now that I've stayed at Y/n's place... You HATE me don't you! I just know it!"

I can't anymore! I'm tired of being suffocated. Simply storming out of the house and through the door before I overheard a quiet whisper.

"Don't... Slam the door."

This immediately caught my attention. And I stopped what I was doing to close the door more gently. But later on during my walk and usual stroll over the camp. I felt even more anger over what had happened. She COULD talk all along. Yet she DIDN'T... And just left me confused, and hurt.

Time to get this all over with and call it a day. I can't stand anymore! I wonder what's for supper... Doesn't matter. I'm too angry to eat. Waiting over at the exact spot where Michael had teleported to. Looking at my phone's slightly cracked screen due to my work. It read 8:23 p.m.. FUCK... I'm early.

I dont want to wait. But I guess that's just how it is. Maybe by then I can atleast forget about what happened or calm down a little.... Hmm... Nature. Green forests. Blue skies. Clear lakes. Nature trails. Wild flowers. Hughhh, that's a little better.

*5 Minutes Later*

This is still a bit tiring still a bit of fresh air has been needed for quite a while... I wonder what Michael and Mom are up to? Mom's probably doing chores and Dad's probably fixing Dinner since it's his turn tonight.


And out of nowhere Michael reappeared right beside of me. Once again he had a hand on my shoulder and we zipped straight back to the house in a matter of moments. Walking through the entrance of the house I noticed Y/n sleeping on top of a huge stack of bills. A pencil in hand and slouching forwards.

Checking the Kitchen sink I assumed that she didn't eat dinner. Since there were no plates in the sink. Michael picked her up slowly and went to bed. Looking at the stack of papers I grew tired just reading them. So I headed to sleep as well... I'm sure to have a nightmare tonight.

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