{ Chapter 6 }

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Michael's Pov-

Did I really do this to Y/n?... It's just like with all the other people I've killed. Well, except the ones who irritated me. They deserved that. I stood up slowly and walked away to grab some of Y/n's clothes. Heading to the bedroom I grabbed what looked comfortable and warm. Then returned back to my old room where Y/n stared out the window.

Sitting a pair of clothes beside of her she looked over towards me.

"... Thank you."

I sat beside of her. She sighed.

"Can you cover your eyes so I can undress."

I tilted his head to the side in confusion.

"I know you know what I'm meaning here. There's different genders for a reason. One has something the other doesn't."

I didn't say nor do anything. Secretly I wanted to see Y/n naked. Y/n sensing that I'd probably follow her to another room. She picked up her clothes and put them on, ditching her bra she stayed quiet. She was beautiful... I couldn't help but to gawk at her body.

"I know you have your secrets and I have mine... But maybe we should tell each other some that's important. Since I'd already knew your background it only makes sense that I'd tell you mine."

I stared over at her intently. Now focusing on what she was going to say. As her expression faded away to nothingness.

[Just so you know this is gonna be based on how I was raised as a child. Almost everything except names will be the same.]

Everything about her personality shifted. It was as if she had turned into a robot.

"Let's start with my Mother, Raphael... She was a very intelligent woman who had her morals straight for a while until she kept dragging in men and birthing my siblings. Causing them to stay or drag us to their house where we'd stay. This was after my Father was kicked out of the house... And I didn't want another one. But I did want a sister/brother, just somebody to play with."

"When my Mom heard this about a year later she gave birth to my sister Joice. After my Sister's Father died something in her snapped. She started acting like a teenager with her head only on one night stands or boyfriends so that they could take care of her and us. It turns out she gave birth to two of my other siblings with two different men, the first was Aaron, and the youngest was Kenny."

"These two men were just like the other two she stayed with... including my own Father. Dirt, rubbish, hooligan, shitty men. She never picked one that I happened to like and I knew exactly from the start that they were trash boyfriends. They either were alcoholics or took drugs."

"Like for instance Aaron's Father was an alcoholic babied by his Mother and Father all his life. He grew up watching his Father beat up on his Mother in a drunken slur, so he grew up thinking it was alright to beat on women and drink. Once he heard the news that my Mother was pregnant, he automatically beat on her stepping on her belly and choking her. I'd try to step in and he'd either cuss me out, run me out of the house, or push me to the ground. That would always get his attention off of my Mother and on me so I took the heat. Eventually my Mother called the cops on him and they placed him in prison."

"Next is Kenny's Dad. He was also a bad alcoholic. He didn't beat anybody besides me up. And instead resorted to isolating us from our family and treating us like garbage. He insisted on my Mother taking pain pills for her shoulder pain and she did, which almost killed her after getting hooked. Everything about me changed in that year of staying with him and being the woman of the house, protecting my family from that devil while Mother was bedridden. In the end He and Mother had a custody battle over Kenny and he got most of the time with Kenny trying to bring all of us down like the jerkwad he is."

"My own Father, called Daddy Darren. He was a perfectly fine man. Until he got his hands on alcohol, became an alcoholic. His personalities began to switch and he would get violent towards my Mother, but after a while of this bullshit she kicked him out. And he moved to my Nanna's to resort out his life and be a kinda crappy Dad."

"Now with my Sister's Father... He was okay. Took pills for his back problem, and ate a great deal to sooth himself... So we didn't go anywhere much. He died from falling off the bed, being obese put too much pressure on his body, and my Mother kept it a secret from me that he used drugs too."

"DSS tried to intervene in many ways. I was in custody of my great grandparents most of the time. Then I wasn't. I had to keep changing schools and everytime I would change completely due to traumatic circumstances. I was having to handle school and my Great Grandfather's death. He was the most important person in my life then, so it sent me in a spiral of depression and denial when he died of lung cancer."

"I got a little chubby. But I was still as strong as a mule and aphletic too. I had to be... The new schools I went to would make me the laughing stock of the whole school and I would be bullied on the bus, only having a few good friends. One of them was like a sister to me, but she abandoned me just so she could be popular and then laugh at me to try and fit in. What a bitch. I also had this guy who rode with me on the bus who had a crush on me, but I didn't know it."

"He loved Wrestling and could talk to me about it all day. He also had a younger brother who was into it too. His name was Dylan. Me and the two of them were pretty rough around the edges but we got along perfectly fine. Until one day when I had enough of school, he decided to flirt with me and punch me in the face. This started a fight that I won and later grew ashamed of, but it was no use, he and his brother wouldn't talk to me. And my friends outside of school left me, the bullies that had a crush on us didn't come out anymore."

I just sat there for a moment staring at the window with tears in my eyes. Threatening to leak, but I wouldn't allow that to happen.

"That's all... I don't want to talk about it anymore."

Michael stayed silent for a second.

"You... Okay?"

I smiled.

"Yep! Now let's go to sleep. It's already pitch black outside."

I pointed to the window and he turned his head to stare.

I quickly changed my demeanor so he wouldn't worry. It was almost like I totally forgot he was in the room. Michael's a pretty good listener. Me and Michael walked to our bedroom side by side and layed on the bed cuddling up together.

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