Brother arguments

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I sat on the kitchen chair with my head on the table. Why did this have to be hard? why do these people exist?

I looked up to see Chris looking at me. "What's wrong?"

"Why can't my life be normal?"

He looked down. "I'm sorry. I know this must be a lot to you."

I waved him off. "So how do you undo something that wasn't meant to be."

"A witch would be very useful right now but they all died out so...we are just gonna have to find a witches book."

"A witches book?"

"You know, spells, remedies, herbs."

"And where would you find that?"

"The caves mostly."

"So we are going to the caves?"

"No, I'm going to the caves, you my fragile human will be staying here."

"Fragile? I'm am not. I'm stronger then you."

He gave a bored look. "I kidnapped you, but your stronger then me." he laughed. "Okay."

"Fine I'm smarter then you."


"I escaped your room didn't I. Not so smart now are you?" I stuck my tongue at him.

He glared. "Sure whatever."

Score for Sam.

"Alpha, Ryder is here."

Chris growled but looked at me. "Don't touch him. We are on our way."

I looked at him. "Everything will be fine."

We got up and walked to the front door and outside. Ryder was standing there with his hands in his pockets. "So, are we gonna stand here all day or talk."

I took a step towards Ryder but Chris growled loudly so I took a step back. "Can we please go inside."

Chris looked at Ryder. "Brother."

Ryder waved at him and smiled. "Asshole."

I walked up to Ryder and ignored Chris's warning growls. "Can you please be nice."

He looked down at me. "I am being nice. He's the one who's trying to kill me."

I turned to see Chris's eyes dark and dangerous. This was getting out of hand. I took Ryder's hand and pulled him to Chris.

"Are you trying to kill me?" he struggled but I held tight. I grabbed Chris's hand and pushed them together.


They both looked at me. "What?"

"I want you to hug and make up."

They looked at each other and glared. Ryder was the first to speak. "You use to be cool. Now your just an ass."

"You use to be a little prick and you still are." Chris shot back.

I sat on the ground and watched them. Children. They are children.

"Okay, kids are we done?"

"No!" They both said loudly.

"I wish I would have let you drown in that pool instead if saving you." Chris growled.

"Funny, because I remember you were the one that pushed me in." Ryder glared.

"I had a good reason too."

Kidnapped by Sexy WereFreaks (HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now