chapter 5: Catch her

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Christain's P.O.V

 I turned the tv off and walked out the room. I closed the door. 

"Chris, i have been looking for you." I turned to see Casey.

"Well I'm here now." I said walking down the stairs.

"Chris. You cant just go around and steal your mate away from her home you know. People are bound to come looking for her or even call a search party. Did you even think about her family Chris?" 

I turned around. "Just because you my quote on quote step sister means nothing to me Casey."

Her face turned red with anger. "Is this why you hate me so much. You miss your real mother and mine just so happened to be your fathers real mate. Well sorry your dad was whoring around."

I grabbed her by her throat and everyone that was in the living room stopped everything I saw Sam sleep on the couch i turned back to Casey with my voice low. "Don't you dare speak of my mother or father like that. I am Alpha. Your lucky Kyle even accepted. Actually you better be thanking me. I'm the one who talked him into accepting you as his mate. I should have left you to die when i found you, you nasty rouge." 

I released her and backed away. "stay away from my mate."

I saw Kyle walking out the kitchen. "Get your mate before she steps further into the wrong territory."

Kyle rushed to her and gently pushed her out the room. Every ones heads were down in submission to me. I let out a breath. "Everyone."

They all hurried out the room and Brandon walked up to me. "Dude? you ok?"

i nodded. "I will be. But how dare she speak to her alpha like that. She doesn't know me. She doesn't know my mate. Hell, i hardly know my mate. Actually i don't know her at all."

"I think you need to go for a run." he said pushing me out the back door.

I got outside and everyone was socializing and chatting. A kid ran up to me. I believe her name was Susie.

"Hi Alpha!" she smiled

i smiled down at her. "Hey sweetheart."

she giggled and ran to her mom. i looked at Brandon. " I will be back. Keep a eye on sleeping beauty in there."

"Shes sleep?"

i nodded again. "Yeah. Everything from last night to today must have still worn her out."

He nodded. "I will."

I walked off the porch steps and into the lining of the forest. 

'your a retard.' my wolf insulted

'ok and how is that.'

'you stole our mate.'

'you agreed to it. your the stupid one.' i said back to him.

'i would have agreed to do anything as long as she was away from that guy she was kissing.'

i growled. 'thanks for putting that back into my brain.'

'you have a brain. Ha who knew.' 

'sarcastic bitch.' i said to him and all he did was snicker at me. and end with 'pooh bear.'

i groaned. 'dont call me that.'

i walked on and came to a stop in a field where i use to come as a child. i walked to the middle and sat down. My mate may be human and all and i really do love her.Even though i dont really know her.  How am i suppose to tell her?  i looked up at the sky and closed my eyes. "why does life have to be so difficult?" i laid back in the grass. i kept my eyes close and let the sun beam down on me. 


When i woke back up it was dark. i took my phone out my back pocket and it was 1 in the morning. i rubbed my face and walked back to the house. the walk seemed long when it was night time. i saw the house come into view and i walked up the back door steps. i knew the front door was locked because that was a rule for everyone by a certain time. i walked through the kitchen and opened the fridge.

"food. food. wheres the food?" 

i grabbed a apple and a juice box. i shut the fridge with my foot and walked up the steps. When i got to my room i saw Brandon laying onto the floor in wolf form. He was the same color as his normal hair. 

he looked up at me tiredly. 

"thanks Brandon."

he nodded and trotted off down the hall. i opened my door and Sam was in the middle of the bed. I saw she made me a spot on the floor some time when i was gone. I'm not sleeping on the floor in my own room so whats the point?

i took my shirt off and put some basketball shorts on. 

i got on the right side of the bed and pushed her over. 

But when i touched her it wasn't her. It was just blankets  and pillows.

I sniffed around the room but her scent was only in the bathroom and the bed. I opened my door and ran down stairs her scent was on the couch and that was it.

"fuck." i punched the wall.

Brandon ran down stairs along with Kyle and Evan. "Whats wrong?"

"Brandon" What happened when i left?"

"She was sleep on the couch. She woke up was hungry. She ate the hot dogs in the fridge then she went up stairs and said shes going to sleep. I checked on her  3 times before you walked in the house." He rushed out.

"Then where is she now?" My voice was low.

They all backed away from me. "We don't know."

I growled. "She fucking had my shirt on and was wrapped up in my blankets. So she smells like me now. I can see why you missed that. If she left the house and she smells like me, no rouge will go near her."

"Unless they want to kill you." Evan said with his head down.

i opened the front door and accidental broke it. I shifted into my wolf. I sniffed the air and her scent was still faint. I ran quickly. I had to find her before the sun came up. And was was in 5 hours."



~Nothing really to say but yup she got out again

---Kisses to my Pandas---

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