The lake

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Sam's P.O.V

The next day all i did was sit on the couch and watch tv. At the moment I was sitting on the couch eating oreos. It was almost dark out and Im so bored. I looked at Ryder who was walking around in his boxers. I picked up the couch pillow and threw it at him. "I've been in this tree for 3 days and did almost everyting."

He picked up the pillow and laughed. "What do you wanna do then?"

I jumped off the couch. "Can we go to Spirit lake?"

He nodded. "Are you just gonna look at it or..get in?"

I walked over and sat on the kitchen island. "I want to go in."

"Sure. Sounds like fun. Plus i think you need to get out this tree. Your annoying." He laughed.

I gaped at him. "Ryder!"

He walked over to me and leaned on the island and looked at me. "But i can never get tired of you."

I smiled. "I know."

It was weird. I knew more about him then i did Chris. I knew what he was allergic to, his favorite food, places to go, clothes. I knew his birthday. His dream job. Also most girls cant make him laugh like i can. He knew me and i knew him and it was weird.

Ryder smiled and laughed then walked to his room. His phone started to ring and i saw it was Chris. I picked up the phone and I ran to Ryder's room. "Chris is calling."

He walked to where i was. "Be quiet. No laughing this time Sugar Plum."

I laughed and nodded. "Ok."

He answered and put it on speaker. "What up."

"Dont give me that. I know your with her dick." He growled.

"Who? That Sam girl?" Ryder said.

"Yes Sam. I know your with her. I havent seen you or her in 3 day."

"Acually you havent seen me in 3 years, not 3 days." He corrected.

"Where are you?"

"Out and about." He said not answering his question.

"Ryder you tell me where you are right now so help me."

"What your gonna destroy another pack. Kill my father this time. You already killed my mom with her pack. You cant take anything else away from me. Your mate running away from you is your problem not mine." Ryder hung up and threw his phone. I jumpped and looked at him.

"I will be back." He said angry and walked out.

I watched him and i looked out it was dark. I followed him outside. I saw a large dog sitting in the middle of the bridge looking out to the lake. He turned his head in my direction, then slowly looked back to the lake.

I walked out with caution. "Ryder?"

He looked at me.

"Can you understand me?"

He nodded and looked back out to the lake. I walked next to him and held my hand out to touch him. He moved his nose under my hand. His fur was soft like a kitten. I moved closer and wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him. "It's okay Ryder. You still have me. Your not gonna lose me."

I heard him make a whine like noise. Its sounded broken and hurt. More broken and hurt then Chris. Chris took everything away from him. His pack, his mom, that was all he really had. Chris has everything he wants. Parents, pack, mate. And Ryder....has nothing, no one.

I pulled back and looked him in his wolf eyes. "Ryder. Im here. I will be here for you. You wont be left alone again."

His snout started to sink back in his face and his fur started to disappear. Bones cracked and everything. To him it looked painless. He was back to himself and he looked me in the eyes. "Im sorry for this. You can hate me later if you will like...but i have to do this."

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