Chapter 28: Aftermath

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A week had passed since the entity's attack. Since then, Blair, Anastasia and Nate have been cooped up in the shop cleaning and rebuilding from the disaster. Her shop finally had some progress and it was looking much better than before. When the shop was destroyed, Blair was heartbroken. Although, now it served as an opportunity to expand her shop and renovate however she chose, which wasn't so terrible in everyone's opinion. Blair's bruises lightened and her stitches came out too. She was feeling like herself again and being around Nate, Anastasia and Maddox was the reason she hadn't wallowed down or given up.

It was super hectic around the store the whole day, but when sundown had finally come; it allowed them to take a momentary break. Nate had just finished installing the crystal chandeliers- that Blair chose herself. Anastasia arranged the front display counter and the vintage cash register- that was right out of Blair's wish-list. Apart from the hustling witches in the shop; there was busy brooms sweeping up the dust and feather dusters that diligently collected old cobwebs. The windows were barred with wood planks, so no one could see the magic at work inside the shop.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the locked door.

"Everyone stop right now," decreed Blair. The brooms dropped with the dusters and Nate's tool box sat down instead of floating mid-air beside him. Blair opened the barred door to familiar faces.

Jack beamed a smile. "Blair!"

"Hi, Blair," greeted Holly.

Blair opened the door to the welcomed visitors. Jack, Holly and her aunt Angela strode into the shop. "What brings you by?" she asked them.

"We brought drinks-" Angela held a full tray of iced-coffees from the cafe across the street.

"Oh, thank you," said Blair as she grabbed the tray from Angela. "You didn't have to do that."

"I know how hard you guys are working here, so I thought to give some support," said Angela. "Holly and Jack wanted to visit also."

Blair couldn't help but smile. "Let's enjoy these at the back," she offered.

She handed Anastasia and Nate their cups, but they continued to work. Blair took the visitors to the impromptu seats in the back. The night after the attack, Blair returned to her house where Holly had still lived. The next morning, Angela- Holly's aunt, had arrived to pick up her niece. At first, Blair was a bit reluctant to hand over Holly to someone she had never met. But that all changed after she got to know Angela Nightingale. She was a sweet, young woman with wavy blonde hair and baby blue eyes- that were just as kind as her nature. Blair didn't find any distrust in this woman. She was a healthy, happy human-being who was perfect to take care of Holly.

Through Angela, Holly, Blair and Officer Sloan got to know that Holly's mother had passed away, right after, she left Holly with her step-father. Blair didn't feel much remorse, but it was still a sad end for Holly's mother. Angela officially moved to Meadow-Mist yesterday, she even landed a teaching job at the local school. They both lived in the house across Blair's street, which was pleasant and most fun when they all wanted to get together.

"How long will the renovations take?" asked Jack as he drank his iced-coffee.

Blair contemplated for a moment. "It should be done by the end of this month," she hoped more than stated.

"Can we do anything to help?" asked Holly eagerly.

Blair shook her head. "You two need to concentrate on school," she said. Her answer disappointed them and it showed on their face, which she couldn't stomach. "But if you're free, then I can always use a helping hand unloading the boxes and cleaning up."

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