Chapter 21: Portal Me In

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Blair was cleaning up her shop like she regularly would on a glorious Wednesday morning.

"So, you're saying that Maddox is the soulmate our ancestors chose for you," recapped Anastasia from behind the counter.

"Yeah," confirmed Blair. "See this locket-" she pointed to her neck- "it came with a message and a sign. That I would meet my soulmate and I should marry him within the year."

Anastasia shook her head. "That's rude of them," she sighed dramatically, "they didn't even ask you."

"I'm being serious," stated Blair.

Anastasia laughed as she fiddled with the many rings on her fingers. "I don't see what you're so upset about. If the ancestors chose Maddox Steele as my mate, I would be counting my blessings. Besides, you're already dating the man, just make him fall madly in love with you now."

"I don't want to force him to fall in love with me," confessed Blair. "And what if he doesn't even love me like that?"

"We could always fix that," whispered Anastasia craftily. "A little love potion in his tea in the morning should do the trick."

Blair slumped down on the seat. "I'm not going to trick him like that."

"I know," her cousin giggled. "Just let things go their course, dear. Nothing you do will stop or change the minds of our ancestors."

"I still have one problem," Blair said, "how am I supposed to tell Maddox this?"

"Tell me what?" asked Maddox from behind them.

Blair jumped like a cat. She spun on her feet with wide eyes and her hand on her heart that felt like it dropped off a cliff. Maddox stood inside her shop with his mom and sister. His amber eyes looking curious and very boyishly sweet. She opened her mouth and then closed it because she didn't know what to say to him. Maddox had this way to always tie her tongue in a knot. He was the only one who could do that and she hated it.

"Eleanor, Melinda," she purposely ignored him, "welcome."

Eleanor looked radiant with life like her daughter. "Thank you dear," she put her warm hand on Blair's arm. "You have the sweetest shop."

"Thank you," said Blair matching Eleanor's generous smile. "This is my cousin, Anastasia."

Anastasia came around the counter. "It's nice to meet you," they shook hands. "Hi, Melinda and Maddox." The siblings had the same crooked smile. "Doing more sight-seeing, I see."

"For sure," answered Melinda. "But Blair called us here today for something special."

"Only for your mom today, Melinda," said Blair.

Melinda sulked. "I'm still going to shop nonetheless." And she did as she declared. Anastasia got pulled off to the side with Melinda to help her look for some gifts for herself.

"This way, Eleanor." Blair took Maddox's mom to a long display that circled around a pillar. The glass display had series of bracelets with healing stones. Blair opened the first glass lid and pulled out the one her eyes knew was going to do the trick.

"This is a kyanite stone," said Blair. She unclasped the silver chain that was dainty and thin and then wrapped the pure silver (that was cleansed in moonlight water) around Eleanor's right wrist. The single blue kyanite crystal glimmered like a Rigel star on the top of her wrist.

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