Chapter 8: All In A Day's Work

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-Maddox's POV-

Maddox's gaze lingered on the ring Blair gave him, he didn't understand how this little ring would help him overcome something that he's tried to bury for years, but he still gave Blair the benefit of the doubt because there was something about her that forced him to trust her. His eyes examined the amethyst stones embedded in the gold band, the colour awakened with a surge of fresh air that engulfed him, Maddox had only felt that type of thrill when he first met Blair.

She was entirely different than the usual types of women he has come across, he'd never met someone like her in his circles. Blair had a genuine smile that never lost its light, her ocean eyes were reliable and as clear as day, like they were the mirrors to her soul. Although, he could never understand her. She may be an eccentric woman but she was hiding something under that smile, it was like everyone was walking around blind and she was the only one who could see the truth.

Maddox twirled the ring on his finger and decided he wouldn't go to work today. He was too distracted by Blair and terribly bothered by that damned nightmare again.

"Good morning, sir," a voice spoke behind Maddox.

Maddox got out of his seat and was taken aback by Tony's sudden burst of vitality. "Er- good morning," he replied back to his secretary.

"I would like to inform you that you have a conference call at 12:00, and a few contractors are waiting for you to confirm some details for the resort," Tony addressed Maddox's schedule diligently.

Maddox forgot that he had a million things to do by the end of the day, usually he didn't mind but today was just not a good time for him. "I'll take the call from here, and just send the contractors reports as well," instructed Maddox.

"Where will you work?" asked Tony. "Your office is busy, and I thought you weren't allowed to see it until it was done."

"Blair told you?" The question slipped out of Maddox before he could stop it.

Tony clapped his hands together. "Yes, she did," he informed.

Maddox wanted to keep this wager between just the two of them. But who was he kidding, that woman will say anything to anyone. "Just bring everything here," requested Maddox. "I'm not in the mood to go to the office today."

"Of course," said Tony chirpily.

"Is everything alright?" asked Maddox.

Tony gave Maddox a blank expression. "Yes," answered Tony.

"You just seem different," said Maddox. "More alive."

Tony's smile broadened. "It was all Blair's doing," he revealed.

Maddox smirked. "Of course," he said under his breath.

Unexpectedly, Blair came out running through the hall with a box in her arms that probably weighed more than her, but she carried it with no problem. Both of their attention switched to her, she was a magnet that attracted everyone no matter where she went. Maddox didn't get it before, but that smile casted a spell on him and he didn't even realize when it happened.

"She's something else," stated Tony. "Her boyfriend's lucky."

Maddox almost spilled his drink. "She's dating someone?"

Tony chuckled. "No," he baited Maddox purposely. "She's single. You should ask her out."

Maddox choked again. "What the hell!"

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