Chapter 12: Lightwood Legacy

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-Maddox's POV-

Maddox closed the door behind him leaving Blair all alone in the bedroom, he had sauntered back to the kitchen to pour himself a strong glass of scotch to relieve the news that hit him tonight. Maddox never could have imagined that he would meet someone in his life that has supernatural powers, he encountered many different types of people in his circle, but Blair just crossed another world he had no clue that even existed.

He threw the drink back and the icy burn pouring down his parched throat was terribly great; the alcohol sank in his gut and chilled the dreadful sensation. Maddox walked past her bedroom door and lingered for a moment thinking Blair would waltz out any minute and tell him it was all a prank, but even Maddox wouldn't believe her then, because everything she had done proved ever single word from her tonight. He trusted her enough to believe that her skills came from somewhere unexplainable.

Maddox stepped into his room, he eagerly desired a hot shower and a good night's rest. He stripped off the layers of his tailored suit and stepped under the spray of scorching hot water, his tense muscle loosened and the drift of exhaustion swept across his eyes. Maddox leaned his hands on the marble wall and hung his head low for the shower to soak through his groomed hair, he closed his eyes and the memory of Blair in the elevator played in his mind; she had broken down over something he did not know about and had stopped the elevator with her powers. If that wasn't amazing he didn't know what was, she had healed Tony and him and countless others.

Maddox closed the shower and stepped out with a towel around his hips, he stared into the mirror and his eyes trailed down to his lips, he remembered the kiss they shared before the dinner; the blistering hot kiss. He didn't know what had come over him, but damn did he want to kiss her again. She had barged through his door, angry and upset which made her even more attractive to him. Maddox was overcome by the desire to make her bothered and heated because of him, and then, he kissed her like he never had done before. Blair's soft lips left an imprint on his mouth and he craved it the more he thought about it.

Maddox had almost dropped the whole dinner and wanted to take Blair to his bedroom right away, but he held himself back because he didn't know how she felt about him. Although now, she not only told him her secret but also kissed him back with the same carnal heat and possession.

Maddox slipped on a pair of slacks and drew the covers over his body, he laid under the dark roof for a moment and played with the ring on his pinky. He thought about what would happen tomorrow, and with lingering thought and feelings, he drifted off into the overwhelming sleep, which he supposed he had to thank Blair for again.

Blair's sore eyes opened with the blue shards of light blaring on top of her face, she rolled over and the clock told her it was just before sunrise

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Blair's sore eyes opened with the blue shards of light blaring on top of her face, she rolled over and the clock told her it was just before sunrise. She pushed the blankets off and sat on the edge of the bed for a moment, but it felt like an eternity. She laid her bare feet on the floor and sauntered into the bathroom with a heavy heart, her magic couldn't settle the wave building the burden of dread in her body.

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