Chapter 23: In The Dark, It Creeps

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"Stop pacing, Maddox. You're making me dizzy," Blair rebuked from the lounge seat with Holly. She was back to full health and looking much better. Although, she was quite nervous to meet Officer Sloan, even if she didn't admit it to Blair and Maddox.

"When is that cop coming?" Maddox asked as his eyes scavenged the road for Officer Sloan.

Blair rolled her eyes. "She said she'd be here at noon," she repeated.

"And it's been noon for ten minutes," Maddox grumbled as he joined Blair on the seat, when the door chimed and a figure waltzed inside.

"Oh," Blair got to her feet to greet Officer Sloan. "Welcome to my shop, Officer."

"Hello," Officer Sloan managed a polite smile and greeted Blair, Maddox and Holly.

"Come inside," Blair took the cop to the seating area she had arranged in her store for this particular gathering. "You're not in your uniform." Blair observed the young woman who had sturdy features; a hard-set jaw, straight sharp nose but her eyes were soft and noble. Officer Sloan wasn't tall, but she had a strong posture that carried her like she was six feet. Her plain jeans and leather jacket wasn't special or conspicuous; it was like Officer Sloan desired to stay tactful.

"It's less ambiguous," said Officer Sloan. "People would find it suspicious if a cop walked in here, so I thought I should be more discreet with my visit."

Blair took the seat across Officer Sloan.

"I think everyone can tell from a mile away that you're a cop," muttered Maddox.

Blair elbowed Maddox. "So, how should we do this Officer?" she asked politely.

"You can call me Adeline," said the cop. Her soft brown eyes looked over to Holly. "You don't need to worry about your step-father anymore, Holly. This case was cut clean and now it's closed."

"Don't you need our testimonies?" asked Maddox. "Cases like Holly's are usually hard to prove and fight."

"That's true," agreed Adeline. "But the moment I put Bill in questioning, he confessed to his crimes."

Maddox raised a brow. "Just like that?" he asked suspiciously.

"Why would he do that?" Holly was baffled by Bill's sudden change of attitude.

"Guilt, fear," listed Adeline.

Blair grinned. "A guilty mind betrays itself," she mumbled. She laughed internally for her little truth-hex trick she put on Bill before he was taken to the station.

Maddox gaped at Blair. "It was you," he busted. Adeline and Holly gawked at the pair.

"Er- Holly's aunt, Angela Nightingale will be here in a few days," said Adeline. "Holly, will you be okay with your aunt?"

"Angela is alright," said Holly.

Adeline nodded. "I will interview your aunt first and check myself," she said. "But do you have a place to stay before then?"

"She's staying with me," said Blair, "and my cousins."

Adeline crossed her arms. "Why are you involved in all of this?" she asked distrustfully.

Blair raised a brow. "Holly came to me," she said. "So, I couldn't possibly say 'no' to someone who comes to my shop looking for help."

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