Chapter 26: Three Rings Seal

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Blair waited outside the door that Maddox had entered to tell his family of the dangers that was about to befall tonight. They had all gathered in Maddox's suite, because the entity would come looking for her, now that it knew she had the dagger. She would have done it at her house, but it was too guarded by hexes, which would take days to take down and they didn't have time to waste. The dagger was strapped around Blair's hip and it wasn't going to wait for to be ready.

"Any word?" asked Anastasia.

"None yet," said Blair. The two cousins stood in the hallway waiting for Maddox to return. "Is everything ready?" she asked Ana.

"Yeah," she said. "The three-ring seal has been prepared."

"Alright," said Blair. "I'll trap the entity and you have to protect all of them."

"What about you?" asked Anastasia. "You'll need help."

"We don't have time," said Blair. "I have the dagger, I can do it." The door opened and Maddox walked out. "How'd they take the news?" she asked him.

"I think they understand," said Maddox. "I told them about the attacks and everything I saw, so they believe me as much as they could."

"Can I have a moment with them?" she asked him, Maddox nodded and only then did she enter, because she knew that his family was now ready for her instructions.

"Blair," the panic on Eleanor's face was clear. "Is my family really in danger?"

Blair gathered Eleanor's hands in her own. "Anastasia will be here to protect you, whilst I get rid of the threat."

"Is it true that our father brought it to this world?" asked Melinda. "Is this our fault? All of the attacks, your shop."

Blair shook her head. "None of this is your fault," she reassured them. "The entity has been plotting this since its creation. Do not blame yourself."

Melinda and Eleanor's grim expressions didn't let up. "How will you get rid of this...thing?" asked Melinda.

"I'll explain it to you after it's all done," she said. "Now, I need you three to stay with Anastasia. Can you do that for me?"

The Steele family nodded. "What about you?" asked Eleanor. "How are you going to do this alone?"

Blair smiled. "I'll be fine," she said. "But I need you three to stay safe and out of harm's way, so I can concentrate." Blair knew that she had got through to them, so they'd stay beside Anastasia through the whole ritual. She made her way back to the front door, when Maddox followed her right behind her.

"Will you really be alright?" he asked her.

"With duties such as mine, I am not always guaranteed things such as safety," she tried to answer his question to the best of her abilities and not lie. "I have to do this to keep everyone safe," she said. "And that means I have to go to places, others fear."

Maddox cupped her nape and titled her head back, so her eyes met his. "How are you not afraid?" he dazed.

"Because I trust my abilities," she said. "I know that I can protect myself no matter what comes my way."

Maddox kissed her lips, and then, he embraced her. "You're amazing, Blair Lightwood," he whispered. "And I am bewitched by your magic every day."

Blair chuckled. "I know, my powers are pretty impressive," she boasted.

"I meant the magic that's in your heart," he said softly.

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