"You look pretty." He whispers, turning back to his books. I chuckle in response.

"Thanks." I reply, sitting down next to him.

"I'm looking at a few books on spells. I haven't had much practice with my magic over the years. Do you know how we could send Bonnie a message?" He asks, and I give him a smile.

"I've only been here for six months. Of course I know what to do. Do you want my magic, or do you want to give me yours?" I ask, shutting the books closed.

"You know what you're doing. I think it's best I give you my magic," He states, turning towards me. "Just take a deep breath."

He places his hands on the side of my face, and I feel a weird feeling wash over me. He pulls away, looking at me with a smile.

"What else do we need?" He asks.

"Could you get me a pen and paper?" I answer with a question.

Kai immediately stands, leaving for a few seconds before coming back with the items in hand. He places them in my lap.

I grab the pen, writing on the piece of paper. I write, 'The ascendant's gone. We're alive, but we don't have magic. Bonnie, please help. Love, E.'

I crumple the paper up into a ball, wrapping my hands around it and closing my eyes.

"Hunc Qui Indiget." I chant, opening my eyes and watching as the crumpled up paper floats up to the ceiling and bursts into little sparks of flames.

"Is that supposed to happen?" Kai asks in a whisper.

"Yes." I reply with a giggle.

"Do you think you could teach me some magic? I'm not very caught up on it. My father didn't want me around any spell books." He says quietly.

"I can teach you anything you want to know." I reply, fixing my dress.

"I'd kind of like to do what you just did." He mumbles.

I hand him another piece of paper and the pen. I watch as he scribbles something down before turning it to me.

"How's that?" He asks.

I look to see that the paper says, 'Damon, you're a dick. With love, KAI:)'

I bite my lip to keep from laughing and nod my head. He crumpled up the paper, and I wrap my hands around his so that he can siphon some of my magic to try the spell.

"You remember the words?" I ask, and he gives me a small nod before concentrating on the paper.

"Hunc Qui Indiget." He repeats my previous words, watching as the paper floats up to the ceiling and bursts in flames again.

"You did it. And good job, too." I smile, letting my hand linger on his arm.

"Can't wait for Damon to see that." Kai whispers.

"He might pummel you." I whisper back.

"That's okay," He jokes. "It'll be worth it."

broken (k.p.)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें