🍀5th July 2020 / AKA My Birthday!🍀

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This was the birthday ever because I got to help my family and sit and chat with them about things, instead of being demanding and annoyingly useless like most of my teens birthdays. Weirdly enough, Mom didn't get to finish decorating my cake yesterday, and I wasn't mad about it, not even deep inside. I think I'm actually becoming an adult. I finally realized that my birthday shouldn't be about what people will do for me, but what I do for people. It's about making change and fulfilling the purpose of your existence, which is to make this world a better place, even if it's just by helping your Mom or preventing a heated discussion from escalating.
I really feel a lot of change since my last 2 birthdays. I was too into my own ish that I didn't notice what I could do to help. Now, I am aware of my needs that come with my ambitions and dreams, but at the same time I am aware of my priorities which are to help make this world a better place in whichever way I can and worship Allah in the best of ways. I no longer have disdain nor despair because the last few weeks have proven to me that My parents are my favorite people on the world other than Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and that Allah will never let wickedness take over the world; however much there may be, there's still more goodness in the world than than there is evil.
Hope you're healthy and happy, always.🌻

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