10th of May 2020 - Inhance Your Spirit 🌸

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Day 17 of Ramadan..
Today's lesson is to learn to regain and keep the balance in life. Life is not all prayer and reading Quran unless you need to pray a lot of prayers you've missed.. that's not what I mean though. The point is to have good manners and be good to your body and soul as well as being good to others. In Islam, our religion is shown in our manner; therefore, if someone is praying all prayers and making Du'a and reciting Quran all day, but when it comes to their family or dealing with anyone they come across, when they can't behave well towards these people and only manage to convey an ill character or mistreat them in any way, then this person doesn't understand religion and is messing a huge part of their faith.🤭
Coincidentally, I feel that I have been kind of that person for quite some time, as I see myself after I've replied angrily to my mother or screamed at my sister just because her voice was annoying while she was waking me up for Salah, and most times, I just after my reply I regret the way I said it in and regret my wrath and want to make amends but end up being too proud to admit that I'm wrong.. However I really want to change this because I feel it's created unnecessarily tension and drama within our household, especially since we're in quarantine, we are all we've got, so we've got to lighten the mode and relief each other's stress, but not on one another, but through healthy ways such as exercising or meditating or praying or having deep meaningful discussions or just laughing together while watching a funny movie.☺️🥰

I hope you are still sane in such crazy time and I wish you all health and happiness ✨🌻✨

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