24th March 2020

16 1 0

Day 11 of the quarantine in Egypt...
I'm not going to lie, the first few days we're overwhelming, but I've gotten over that✨.
Now that I've spent last week sleeping and eating and keeping up with the chaotic online/virtual classes, I am more motivated to do stuff⚡️. I've realised that since I'm an innate introvert, this situation can be very beneficial for my mind🧠, body💆🏻‍♀️, and soul🍃.
Therefore, I've made a list of the things I'd like to work on during this quarantine; here they are:
-Pray more regularly and on time🕌 ( since it's more convenient being at home all the time ).
-Recite and study Quran☺️ ( more time, less rushing ).
-Study more efficiently and productively📚, along with doing my own research 📑about the topics we cover.
-Dance for at least an hour daily💃🏻, and learn a choreography a week.
-Learn KOREAN through BTS lyrics and RUN episodes, and through effective methods🤓 ( like learning the most common vocab and learning all the grammar variations ).
-Help my sister with her courses📔 since she's staying at home too.
-Clean the house daily 🗑( washing dishes, wiping dust, vacuming, doing laundry, organizing, decluttering ).
-Taking care of myself 💅🏼( skin, hair, and shower routines🧖🏼‍♀️; sleeping sufficient hours🌚, and waking up early🌞; creating some art to heal the soul🌸 ).
So, .. I hope this motivated you as well 💪🏻to be productive and take care of yourself 🌻and take advantage of this not so convenient situation- for most of you.👍🏻
Stay safe, and take care of yourself and your families. 😊♥️♥️

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