How It Really Happened

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The guys burst out in laughter.

"Oh my God, are you like, twelve?" The leader asked, grinning as he held the glasses higher out of the boy's reach.

"How embarrassing." Calum murmurmed, sinking low in his seat. "Poor kid."

Ashton frowned at the scene in front of him. "Hey, that's not cool. They need to stop picking on that kid."

"Ashton no!" Calum grabbed onto Ashton's sleeve as the older boy stood up. "Don't get involved!"

"That kid is getting bullied for no reason!" Ashton said, angrily yanking his sleeve back. "Besides, I think those glasses are kinda cool."

Calum watched helplessly as Ashton walked down to the front of the theater, where the boy who was being picked on was on the verge of tears.

"Hey, could you give him back his glasses please?" Ashton said. The group stopped and faced him.

"Oh Michael, this kid wants you to give the loser back his glasses." One guy laughed into his hand.

The leader, Michael apparantly, smirked. "These glasses?"

"Yes, please. The movie is about to start anyways, can you just give them back?" Ashton asked, pushing his anger down as one of the boys shoved the beanie wearing kid down into a seat.

"You see," Michael said, twirling the glasses around again, "I would give these back, I really would. But if I did, that would be a crime against humanity, and I don't want anyone else to get hurt by this." He put the glasses in his pocket. "You're welcome."

The kid whimpered and reached for them and Michael slapped his hand away.

Ashton glared and curled his hands into fists. "Just give them back, they aren't yours."

"No." Michael grinned.

"Give them back now!" Ashton shouted, taking a step forward.

The group took a surprised step back.

Luke looked up at his defender in awe.

"Look," Michael regained his position. "How about you just go sit back down and let us finish our buisness, okay?"

"How about you give the kid back his glasses and we all enjoy the movie?" Ashton countered.

Now Michael was angry. "Just who the fuck do you think you are? You're not a hero, or someone special so just leave now before I punch your stupid dimples off your face."

"I may not be anyone special, but I know right from wrong and to me, that seems to be all you need to be a hero." Ashton glared. "Just give them back, you're not impressing anyone."

Luke jumped up and clasped his hands together, his eyes wide as he shyly smiled at Ashton.

"Oh, smartass huh?" Michael made his hand into a fist. "Your ass is gunna smart after I'm through with it."

"What's going on here?" A flashlight shone on them and Michael dropped his hand.

They all looked up to see a guard walking to them, Calum following from behind.

"Nothing." Michael said smoothly, his crew mumbling behind him.

"He took my glasses!" The kid shouted, pointing an accusing finger at Michael.

"What?!" Michael gasped, bringing his hand to his heart. "I would never! What a proposturous idea! How dare you accuse me of such uncivilized behavior without any proof?" His friends giggled and Michael smiled through his act as Luke's jaw dropped.

"But, it's true! You stole them and put them in your pocket!" Luke protested.

Michael patted his pockets. "Nope, these are empty."

Ashton stormed up to Michael and shoved him. "What the hell do you think you're playing at? I saw you take that kid's glasses now give them back!"

"Hey," The guard came up and grabbed Ashton, pulling him away from Michael. "No violence in the theater."

"But he's a liar!" Ashton yelled. "He took them and-"

"Are you sassing me?" The guard interrupted. "You better not be, I won't tolerate it."

"No sir, he wasn't!" Luke pleaded. "I just want my glasses back."

"Well maybe you shouldn't have let them take your glasses if you wanted to keep them so bad." The guard replied. "Don't be such an easy target."

Luke's eyes watered and Ashton noticed.

Furious, he took a step toward Michael again and slapped him so hard the red haired boy's head snapped to the side.

"Hey!" The guard yelled as Michael stumbled back into his group of friends. "I'm gunna have to escort you out." He grabbed Ashton's arm and roughly dragged him out of the theater.

"Stop it, I can walk myself out!" Ashton snapped, yanking his arm back.

Angrily, he stormed outside and waited for Calum to come out too.

The door opened and he turned, ready to yell his frustration out at Calum, but it was the boy in the beanie instead.

"Hey." The boy smiled up at Ashton. "Thank you for standing up for me. I'm Luke by the way."

"Ashton." Ashton smiled and shook Luke's hand. "I'm sorry about your glasses."

Luke shrugged. "It's okay, I have more at home."

A horn honked and both boys turned and faced the parking lot, where a van had just pulled to a stop. "Luke honey, I forgot to give you money for a ticket!" A woman called from the van.

"It's okay mom, I brought some." Luke yelled back.

"Is this your friend?" The woman called again. "Ask him over or dinner!"

Luke sheepishly turned back to Ashton. " you wanna come over to my house for dinner? I can show you my other glasses! You can have one if you want!" He beamed and Ashton smiled.

"Sure. Thank you."

Luke giggled and took Ashton's hand, leading him to his moms van. "Great!"

Liz looked in her rearview mirror as the boys climbed in. All she could see was her bubbly son and an angel.


im so angry

ive been sick all day and im so tired of it.

fuck being sick! i hate this so much. i wasn't even gunna update today because i felt ready to die this morning but then i was like "uh, no. no way in hell am i letting this stupid cold ruin my day" so i wrote this quick, which kinda helped cuz fetus lashton

anyways, ill update again tomorrow if im feeling better!

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