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Ashton sighed when he saw his boyfriend snuggled up on the couch, wearing a ridiculously fluffy pair of socks.

"Luke, why do you always wear those? They're so ugly!"

Luke wiggled his toes and grinned. "They're comfy! Try them on and see!"

"Pass." Ashton cuddled up to Luke and pulled a blanket over them. "Lets just watch this movie."


Ashton wrinkled his nose and blinked open his eyes, to see Luke smiling and poking his nose.

"Morning babe! I love you!"

Ashton smiled and leaned forward, pressing a kiss to Luke's nose. "What are you doing up so early Lucas?"

"I love waking up next to you and watching you sleep. You mumble in your sleep and roll over a lot." Luke laughed softly and caressed Ashton's blushing cheek. "It's cute."

"Oh shut up." Ashton playfully hit Luke and got out of bed. "I'm not cute. I'm manly as hell."

Luke laughed.

Ashton rolled his eyes and smiled. "At least I don't wear those ugly socks."

Luke pouted and rubbed said socks against his face. "They aren't ugly! They're soft and warm."

He blushed slightly. "And all of our important memories are in here."

Ashton faced him as he pulled on his clothes. "What do you mean?"

"I was wearing these whenever we were together." Luke explained, slipping the socks on. "I did everything in these socks."

"Do you ever wash those?" Ashton teased.

"And lose all the magic?" Luke gasped. "Never!"

Ashton grabbed Luke's shoulders and pulled him in for a kiss. "You are the fucking cutest son of a bitch I have ever met. I love you too."


"Ashton are you ready to go yet? We're already late!" Luke called from the car.

"Yeah yeah I'm coming!" Ashton yelled back. He grabbed the car keys and locked the house up behind him.

He slid into the drivers seat and started the car.

"Luke, please tell me you're not wearing those stupid socks again." Ashton said as he pulled onto the road.

Luke took off his shoe and showed Ashton his foot. "I am and I'm proud."

Ashton shook his head and smiled.

They drove in silence for a while, and when Ashton looked over, he saw Luke had fallen asleep.

Ashton pulled to a stop at a red light. He looked over at Luke fondly.

Luke was leaning against the window, his head in his hand. His mouth was slightly open, tiny snores escaping his lips. He had taken his socks off and they were laying beside the two of them.

Ashton saved the image to his head as he looked up to his rearview mirror.

His heart stopped when he saw a large truck barreling towards them, showing no signs of stopping.

In under a second, Ashton knew what was going to happen.

He cried out and reached out to Luke, feeling the soft fabric of Luke's sweatshirt brush against his fingertips, before the truck smashed into them, knocking them both forward.

Ashton's head rammed into the airbag that had suddenly deployed, but he had still felt a large jolt that shocked his spine.

There was a cracking sound as the windshield shattered as the car was shoved forward. It was knocked off the road and tumbled down a hill.

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