Luke's Flower Child Part 5

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*dances in Japanese*


"Luuuuuuke!" Ashton called, running into Lukes bedroom.

"Ashton!" Luke quickly pulled a blanket over himself. "I'm getting dressed!"

"Not like I haven't seen it all before." Ashton dismissed with a giggle.

Luke huffed and quickly pulled on his clothes. "What do you want, Ash?"

Ashton bit his lip and beamed, plopping onto the ground and squeezing his toes. "Guess what day it is!"

"Um, Flag day?"

Ashton shook his head, still beaming. "Nuh uh, keep guessing!"

"Tuesday?" Luke guessed, sliding on his socks.

"It's Monday!" Ashton squeaked. "Two guess left!"

"Wait...its not Christmas, is it?" Luke asked.

Ashton frowned. "No! It's still summer!"

Luke shrugged. "Ah, gee, I'm all out of guesses then."

Ashton gasped, tears welling up. "Wha- no! You can't be done, you haven't guessed correctly yet!"

"Sorry." Luke stepped over the small flower boy and headed to the bathroom.

Ashton grabbed onto Luke's socks and let himself be carried down the hallway via foot. "Luuuuuke! It's the most important day in the world!"

"It's not Halloween." Luke frowned, pulling out a brush to style his hair.

Ashton glared and started climbing up Luke's legs. "No, it's not! It's something better!"

"I already guessed Christmas." Luke said as he picked Ashton up and set him on the counter.

"Luke," Ashton pouted and tears welled up. "Did you really forget?" He kicked his little feet in frustration, sending flowers flying.

"Forget what?" Luke finished his hair and scooped up Ashton.

They headed out the front door and across the street.

Ashton crossed his arms and turned away from the human. "I'm not talking to you ever again never!"

Luke smiled to himself and knocked on Nialls door.

A moment later the blonde opened it and Ashton gasped.

"Happy birthday, Ashton!" Niall, Luke, Harry and Louis sang.

Ashton took in all the decorations and stood up in Luke's hand. He slapped the humans chest. "You jerk face! You made me believe you forgot my birthday!"

Luke chuckled and set the flower child down on the floor. "I could never."

To himself he muttered, "You never shut up about it, how could I?"

Harry ran forward and squeezed Ashton in a tight hug. "Happy bir'day!" He squeaked. "Now you're old enough to drink!"

"I don't know how old I am." Ashton blinked. "And I can't drink alcohol."

Harry sighed. "Me neither, I just thought saying that would make me seem smart."

Louis came up and kissed Harry. "My Hazza is the smartest Hazza ever!"

He hugged Ashton too. "Bappy Hirthday, Ash! Let's play some more pranks later."

Ashton beamed. "Yes!"

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